Jon Calhoun
Jon Calhoun
Associate Professor Clemson University
在 clemson.edu 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
Sz3: A modular framework for composing prediction-based error-bounded lossy compressors
X Liang, K Zhao, S Di, S Li, R Underwood, AM Gok, J Tian, J Deng, ...
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 9 (2), 485-498, 2022
Cusz: An efficient gpu-based error-bounded lossy compression framework for scientific data
J Tian, S Di, K Zhao, C Rivera, MH Fulp, R Underwood, S Jin, X Liang, ...
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Parallel Architectures …, 2020
Ipas: Intelligent protection against silent output corruption in scientific applications
I Laguna, M Schulz, DF Richards, J Calhoun, L Olson
Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Code Generation and …, 2016
FlipIt: An LLVM based fault injector for HPC
J Calhoun, L Olson, M Snir
Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops: Euro-Par 2014 International …, 2014
Exploring the feasibility of lossy compression for pde simulations
J Calhoun, F Cappello, LN Olson, M Snir, WD Gropp
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 33 (2 …, 2019
FRaZ: A generic high-fidelity fixed-ratio lossy compression framework for scientific floating-point data
R Underwood, S Di, JC Calhoun, F Cappello
2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2020
Towards a more complete understanding of SDC propagation
J Calhoun, M Snir, LN Olson, WD Gropp
Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel …, 2017
Probabilistic data-driven sampling via multi-criteria importance analysis
A Biswas, S Dutta, E Lawrence, J Patchett, JC Calhoun, J Ahrens
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (12), 4439-4454, 2020
Real-time pedestrian detection approach with an efficient data communication bandwidth strategy
M Rahman, M Islam, J Calhoun, M Chowdhury
Transportation research record 2673 (6), 129-139, 2019
Preemption of a CUDA kernel function
J Calhoun, H Jiang
2012 13th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial …, 2012
Optzconfig: Efficient parallel optimization of lossy compression configuration
R Underwood, JC Calhoun, S Di, A Apon, F Cappello
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33 (12), 3505-3519, 2022
Productive and performant generic lossy data compression with libpressio
R Underwood, V Malvoso, JC Calhoun, S Di, F Cappello
2021 7th International Workshop on Data Analysis and Reduction for Big …, 2021
A survey on error-bounded lossy compression for scientific datasets
S Di, J Liu, K Zhao, X Liang, R Underwood, Z Zhang, M Shah, Y Huang, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.02840, 2024
Towards a more fault resilient multigrid solver
J Calhoun, L Olson, M Snir, WD Gropp
Proceedings of the Symposium on High Performance Computing, 1-8, 2015
Understanding soft error sensitivity of deep learning models and frameworks through checkpoint alteration
E Rojas, D Pérez, JC Calhoun, LB Gomez, T Jones, E Meneses
2021 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 492-503, 2021
Understanding the propagation of error due to a silent data corruption in a sparse matrix vector multiply
J Calhoun, M Snir, L Olson, M Garzaran
2015 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 541-542, 2015
Exploring lossy compressibility through statistical correlations of scientific datasets
D Krasowska, J Bessac, R Underwood, JC Calhoun, S Di, F Cappello
2021 7th International Workshop on Data Analysis and Reduction for Big …, 2021
Energy analysis and optimization for resilient scalable linear systems
Z Miao, J Calhoun, R Ge
2018 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 24-34, 2018
Black-box statistical prediction of lossy compression ratios for scientific data
R Underwood, J Bessac, D Krasowska, JC Calhoun, S Di, F Cappello
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 37 (3-4 …, 2023
Posits and the state of numerical representations in the age of exascale and edge computing
A Poulos, SA McKee, JC Calhoun
Software: Practice and Experience 52 (2), 619-635, 2022
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