適用於公開取用強制性政策的文章 - Paul Kelly瞭解詳情
Parametric GPU code generation for affine loop programs
A Konstantinidis, PHJ Kelly, J Ramanujam, P Sadayappan
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 26th International Workshop …, 2014
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Identification and Classification of Off-Vertex Critical Points for Contour Tree Construction on Unstructured Meshes of Hexahedra
MK Koch, PHJ Kelly, PE Vincent
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (12), 5178-5180, 2021
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Precise event sampling‐based data locality tools for AMD multicore architectures
MA Sasongko, M Chabbi, PHJ Kelly, D Unat
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 35 (24), e7707, 2023
授權規定: Royal Society UK
Investigating automatic vectorization for real-time 3D scene understanding
A Nica, E Vespa, PG de Aledo, PHJ Kelly
Proceedings of the 2018 4th Workshop on Programming Models for SIMD/Vector …, 2018
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Towards In-Situ Vortex Identification for Peta-Scale CFD Using Contour Trees
MK Koch, PHJ Kelly, PE Vincent
2018 IEEE 8th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 104-105, 2018
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Firedrake: automating the finite element method by composing abstractions
F Rathgeber, DA Ham, L Mitchell, M Lange, F Luporini, ATT McRae, ...
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 43 (3), 1-27, 2016
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Introducing SLAMBench, a performance and accuracy benchmarking methodology for SLAM
L Nardi, B Bodin, MZ Zia, J Mawer, A Nisbet, PHJ Kelly, AJ Davison, ...
2015 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 5783-5790, 2015
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Architecture and performance of Devito, a system for automated stencil computation
F Luporini, M Louboutin, M Lange, N Kukreja, P Witte, J Hückelheim, ...
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 46 (1), 1-28, 2020
授權規定: US Department of Energy, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Trends in data locality abstractions for HPC systems
D Unat, A Dubey, T Hoefler, J Shalf, M Abraham, M Bianco, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (10), 3007-3020, 2017
授權規定: US Department of Energy, German Research Foundation
Efficient octree-based volumetric SLAM supporting signed-distance and occupancy mapping
E Vespa, N Nikolov, M Grimm, L Nardi, PHJ Kelly, S Leutenegger
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (2), 1144-1151, 2018
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Cross-loop optimization of arithmetic intensity for finite element local assembly
F Luporini, AL Varbanescu, F Rathgeber, GT Bercea, J Ramanujam, ...
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 11 (4), 1-25, 2015
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Slambench2: Multi-objective head-to-head benchmarking for visual slam
B Bodin, H Wagstaff, S Saecdi, L Nardi, E Vespa, J Mawer, A Nisbet, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3637-3644, 2018
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Acceleration of a full-scale industrial cfd application with op2
IZ Reguly, GR Mudalige, C Bertolli, MB Giles, A Betts, PHJ Kelly, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 27 (5), 1265-1278, 2015
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Integrating algorithmic parameters into benchmarking and design space exploration in 3D scene understanding
B Bodin, L Nardi, MZ Zia, H Wagstaff, G Sreekar Shenoy, M Emani, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Parallel Architectures …, 2016
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Navigating the landscape for real-time localization and mapping for robotics and virtual and augmented reality
S Saeedi, B Bodin, H Wagstaff, A Nisbet, L Nardi, J Mawer, N Melot, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (11), 2020-2039, 2018
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
An algorithm for the optimization of finite element integration loops
F Luporini, DA Ham, PHJ Kelly
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 44 (1), 1-26, 2017
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
Slambench 3.0: Systematic automated reproducible evaluation of slam systems for robot vision challenges and scene understanding
M Bujanca, P Gafton, S Saeedi, A Nisbet, B Bodin, MFP O'Boyle, ...
2019 international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 6351-6358, 2019
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
A structure-exploiting numbering algorithm for finite elements on extruded meshes, and its performance evaluation in Firedrake
GT Bercea, ATT McRae, DA Ham, L Mitchell, F Rathgeber, L Nardi, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (10), 3803-3815, 2016
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Natural …
A fast and scalable graph coloring algorithm for multi-core and many-core architectures
G Rokos, G Gorman, PHJ Kelly
Euro-Par 2015: Parallel Processing: 21st International Conference on …, 2015
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Comparative design space exploration of dense and semi-dense SLAM
MZ Zia, L Nardi, A Jack, E Vespa, B Bodin, PHJ Kelly, AJ Davison
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1292-1299, 2016
授權規定: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council