Md. Mahbub Hasan
Md. Mahbub Hasan
Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, KUET
在 eee.kuet.ac.bd 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
How many Mel‐frequency cepstral coefficients to be utilized in speech recognition? A study with the Bengali language
MR Hasan, MM Hasan, MZ Hossain
The Journal of Engineering 2021 (12), 817-827, 2021
Dynamic time warping assisted svm classifier for bangla speech recognition
MM Rahman, DR Dipta, MM Hasan
2018 International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Material …, 2018
Diagnosing autism spectrum disorder using ensemble 3D-CNN: A preliminary study
J Deng, MR Hasan, M Mahmud, MM Hasan, KA Ahmed, MZ Hossain
2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3480-3484, 2022
Crystallographic orientation-dependent optical properties of GaInSb mid-infrared quantum well laser
MM Hasan, MR Islam, K Teramoto
Optik 123 (21), 1993-1997, 2012
Investigation of the effect of mfcc variation on the convolutional neural network-based speech classification
MR Hasan, MM Hasan
2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 1408-1411, 2020
Effect of vocal tract dynamics on neural network‐based speech recognition: A Bengali language‐based study
MR Hasan, MM Hasan, MZ Hossain
Expert Systems 39 (9), e13045, 2022
Strain Relaxation via Misfit Dislocation in Step-Graded In GaN Heteroepitaxial Layers Grown on Semipolar (1122) and (1101) GaN
MA Hossain, MM Hasan, MR Islam
International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics 2 (1), 49, 2012
Precise measurement of moving object by moiré-based image processing technique
T Khan, M Kazuhiko, K Teramoto, M Hasan
Open J. Fluid Dyn 2, 202-207, 2012
Raman scattering study of vibrational modes and hole concentration in GaxMn1− xSb
MR Islam, MM Hasan, N Chen, M Fukuzawa, M Yamada
Semiconductor science and technology 25 (9), 095010, 2010
Crystal orientation dependent performance of cubic InGaN QW blue-violet laser
MS Sarker, MM Islam, MM Hasan, MR Islam
2015 18th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2015
Windowed Fourier assisted two-dimensional Hilbert transform for fringes phase extraction
MM Hasan, K Teramoto, S Tanemura
Optik 124 (19), 3996-4000, 2013
Strain-dependent optical properties of mid-infrared GaInSb/GaInAlSb quantum well laser
MM Hasan, MR Islam
International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE'10 …, 2010
Comparison of vocal-tract dynamics for bangla vowel and vowel-consonant-vowel sequence
SR Mitra, MM Hasan
International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication …, 2016
Study on crystal orientation-dependent effective mass in III–V semiconductors
S Roy, U Bhowmik, M Hasan, R Islam
2015 2nd International Conference on Electrical Information and …, 2015
Orientation dependent performance of 635nm vertical cavity surface emitting QW red laser
MM Islam, S Sarker, M Hasan, R Islam
2015 2nd International Conference on Electrical Information and …, 2015
Canonical correlation based impersonation quality determination algorithm for natural morphed speech
MM Hasan, SR Mitra, K Teramoto
2015 IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Photonics (ICTP …, 2015
Analytical Study for Phase extraction algorithm of Moire fringe based sensing system
MD Hasan
Outcomes of deep neural network hyperparameter tuning on Bengali speech token classification
MR Hasan, MM Hasan, MZ Hossain
2022 International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and …, 2022
Determination of perceptual dissimilarity induced by Bangla vowel
SMH Ullah, MM Hasan
2017 4th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering …, 2017
Crystallographic orientation-dependent performance of 445nm InGaN Blue Laser
S Roy, MR Islam, MM Hasan, SA Hossain
2016 9th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2016
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