José Rodrigo Azambuja
José Rodrigo Azambuja
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Detecting SEEs in microprocessors through a non-intrusive hybrid technique
JR Azambuja, Â Lapolli, L Rosa, FL Kastensmidt
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (3), 993-1000, 2011
Synchronizing triple modular redundant designs in dynamic partial reconfiguration applications
C Pilotto, JR Azambuja, FL Kastensmidt
Proceedings of the 21st annual symposium on Integrated circuits and system …, 2008
HETA: Hybrid error-detection technique using assertions
JR Azambuja, M Altieri, J Becker, FL Kastensmidt
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (4), 2805-2812, 2013
Evaluating large grain TMR and selective partial reconfiguration for soft error mitigation in SRAM-based FPGAs
JR Azambuja, F Sousa, L Rosa, FL Kastensmidt
2009 15th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium, 101-106, 2009
P4VBox: Enabling P4-based switch virtualization
M Saquetti, G Bueno, W Cordeiro, JR Azambuja
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (1), 146-149, 2019
Hybrid Fault Tolerance Techniques to Detect Transient Faults in Embedded Processors
JR Azambuja, F Kastensmidt, J Becker
Springer, 2014
A fault tolerant approach to detect transient faults in microprocessors based on a non-intrusive reconfigurable hardware
JR Azambuja, S Pagliarini, M Altieri, FL Kastensmidt, M Hubner, J Becker, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 59 (4), 1117-1124, 2012
Toward in-network intelligence: Running distributed artificial neural networks in the data plane
M Saquetti, R Canofre, AF Lorenzon, FD Rossi, JR Azambuja, W Cordeiro, ...
IEEE Communications Letters 25 (11), 3551-3555, 2021
Evaluating selective redundancy in data-flow software-based techniques
E Chielle, JR Azambuja, RS Barth, F Almeida, FL Kastensmidt
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (4), 2768-2775, 2013
Exploring the limitations of software-based techniques in SEE fault coverage
JR Azambuja, S Pagliarini, L Rosa, FL Kastensmidt
Journal of Electronic Testing 27, 541-550, 2011
Evaluating neutron induced SEE in SRAM-based FPGA protected by hardware-and software-based fault tolerant techniques
JR Azambuja, G Nazar, P Rech, L Carro, FL Kastensmidt, T Fairbanks, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (6), 4243-4250, 2013
A low-level software-based fault tolerance approach to detect SEUs in GPUs' register files
M Gonçalves, M Saquetti, F Kastensmidt, JR Azambuja
Microelectronics Reliability 76, 665-669, 2017
Evaluating the effectiveness of a diversity TMR scheme under neutrons
LA Tambara, FL Kastensmidt, JR Azambuja, E Chielle, F Almeida, ...
2013 14th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and …, 2013
Evaluating the efficiency of software-only techniques to detect SEU and SET in microprocessors
JR Azambuja, A Lapolli, M Altieri, FL Kastensmidt
IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2010
The limitations of software signature and basic block sizing in soft error fault coverage
JR Azambuja, F Sousa, L Rosa, FL Kastensmidt
2010 11th Latin American Test Workshop, 1-8, 2010
Analyzing the effects of TID in an embedded system running in a flash-based FPGA
J Tarrillo, JR Azambuja, FL Kastensmidt, ECP Fonseca, R Galhardo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (6), 2855-2862, 2011
Evaluating the reliability of a GPU pipeline to SEU and the impacts of software-based and hardware-based fault tolerance techniques
M Gonçalves, M Saquetti, JR Azambuja
Microelectronics Reliability 88, 931-935, 2018
Evaluating the Efficiency of Data-flow Software-based Techniques to Detect SEEs in Microprocessors
JR Azambuja, Â Lapolli, M Altieri, FL Kastensmidt
How CASS-RS transformed local face-to-face seminars into global webinars [CAS society news]
R Reis, RM Brum, JR Azambuja
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 20 (4), 78-87, 2020
Hard virtualization of p4-based switches with virtp4
M Saquetti, G Bueno, W Cordeiro, JR Azambuja
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Conference Posters and Demos, 80-81, 2019
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