Hak-Seon Kim
Hak-Seon Kim
Professor of Hospitality & Tourism Mgmt. / Dean of Global College, Kyungsung University
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Applying the Health Belief Model to college students' health behavior
HS Kim, J Ahn, JK No
Nutrition Research and Practice 6 (6), 551-558, 2012
Online food delivery services and consumers' purchase intention: integration of theory of planned behavior, theory of perceived risk, and the elaboration likelihood model
SG Pillai, WG Kim, K Haldorai, HS Kim
International Journal of Hospitality Management 105, 103275, 2022
Understanding customer experience and satisfaction through airline passengers’ online review
HJ Ban, HS Kim
Sustainability 11 (15), 4066, 2019
The impact of hotel customer experience on customer satisfaction through online reviews
YJ Kim, HS Kim
Sustainability 14 (2), 848, 2022
Topic modeling and sentiment analysis of online review for airlines
HJ Kwon, HJ Ban, JK Jun, HS Kim
Information 12 (2), 78, 2021
Investigating key attributes in experience and satisfaction of hotel customer using online review data
HJ Ban, H Choi, EK Choi, S Lee, HS Kim
Sustainability 11 (23), 6570, 2019
The determinants of factors in FIT guests' perception of hotel location
KW Lee, H Kim, HS Kim, DS Lee
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 17 (1), 167-174, 2010
Body composition changes were related to nutrient intakes in elderly men but elderly women had a higher prevalence of sarcopenic obesity in a population of Korean adults
C Oh, S Jho, JK No, HS Kim
Nutrition Research 35 (1), 1-6, 2015
Cruising in Asia: What can we dig from online cruiser reviews to understand their experience and satisfaction
S Tao, HS Kim
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 24 (6), 514-528, 2019
빅데이터를 활용한 음식관광관련 의미연결망 분석의 탐색적 적용
Culinary Science & Hospitality Research 23 (4), 22-32, 2017
Examination of the reliability and validity of an instrument for measuring service quality of restaurants
HS Kim, HW Joung, YHE Yuan, C Wu, JJ Chen
Journal of Foodservice 20 (6), 280-286, 2009
A Study of Financial Performance using DuPont Analysis in Food Distribution Market
HS Kim
Culinary Science & Hospitality Research 22 (6), 52-60, 2016
Understanding vegetarian customers: the effects of restaurant attributes on customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions
H Choi, HW Joung, EK Choi, HS Kim
Journal of Foodservice Business Research 25 (3), 353-376, 2022
A study on technology acceptance of digital healthcare among older Korean adults using extended tam (extended technology acceptance model)
KSLT Zin, S Kim, HS Kim, IF Feyissa
Administrative Sciences 13 (2), 42, 2023
Elicitation of design factors through big data analysis of online customer reviews for washing machines
HS Kim, Y Noh
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 33, 2785-2795, 2019
전시컨벤션센터 식품박람회와 관련된 빅데이터의 의미연결망 분석
Culinary Science & Hospitality Research 23 (3), 257-270, 2017
Non-Muslim Customers’ Purchase Intention on Halal Food Products in Malaysia
SH Lee, KC Siong, KS Lee, HS Kim
Culinary Science & Hospitality Research 22 (1), 108-116, 2016
The effects of restaurant nutrition menu labelling on college students’ healthy eating behaviours
MG Roseman, HW Joung, EKC Choi, HS Kim
Public Health Nutrition 20 (5), 797-804, 2017
Applying the modified health belief model (HBM) to Korean medical tourism
HJ Ban, HS Kim
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (10), 3646, 2020
Semantic network analysis of hotel package through the big data
HJ Ban, HS Kim
Culinary Science & Hospitality Research 25 (2), 110-119, 2019
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