Self-employment as a career choice: Attitudes, entrepreneurial intentions, and utility maximization EJ Douglas, DA Shepherd Entrepreneurship theory and practice 26 (3), 81-90, 2002 | 1786 | 2002 |
New venture survival: Ignorance, external shocks, and risk reduction strategies DA Shepherd, EJ Douglas, M Shanley Journal of business venturing 15 (5-6), 393-410, 2000 | 1103 | 2000 |
Interaction between feasibility and desirability in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions JR Fitzsimmons, EJ Douglas Journal of business venturing 26 (4), 431-440, 2011 | 1014 | 2011 |
Entrepreneurship as a utility maximizing response EJ Douglas, DA Shepherd Journal of business venturing 15 (3), 231-251, 2000 | 969 | 2000 |
Reconstructing entrepreneurial intentions to identify predisposition for growth EJ Douglas Journal of business venturing 28 (5), 633-651, 2013 | 470 | 2013 |
Using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis for a finer-grained understanding of entrepreneurship EJ Douglas, DA Shepherd, C Prentice Journal of Business Venturing 35 (1), 105970, 2020 | 443 | 2020 |
Intrapreneurial intentions versus entrepreneurial intentions: distinct constructs with different antecedents EJ Douglas, JR Fitzsimmons Small business economics 41, 115-132, 2013 | 400 | 2013 |
Managerial economics: analysis and strategy EJ Douglas Pearson Higher Education & Professional Group, 1992 | 257 | 1992 |
Entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurial intentions: a cross-cultural study of potential entrepreneurs in India, China, Thailand and Australia JR Fitzsimmons, EJ Douglas Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurial Research Conference, Wellesley, MA 47, 2005 | 234 | 2005 |
Workaholic, or just hard worker? EJ Douglas, RJ Morris Career Development International 11 (5), 394-417, 2006 | 227 | 2006 |
Employment or self-employment: A dynamic utility-maximizing model M Lévesque, DA Shepherd, EJ Douglas Journal of Business Venturing 17 (3), 189-210, 2002 | 227 | 2002 |
Is management education developing, or killing, the entrepreneurial spirit DA Shepherd, EJ Douglas Proceedings of the 1997 USASBE Annual National Conference Entrepreneurship …, 1997 | 224 | 1997 |
Innovation and profit motivations for social entrepreneurship: A fuzzy-set analysis E Douglas, C Prentice Journal of business research 99, 69-79, 2019 | 213 | 2019 |
Growth and profitability in small and medium sized Australian firms J Fitzsimmons, P Steffens, E Douglas Proceedings AGSE Entrepreneurship Exchange, Melbourne, 2005 | 167 | 2005 |
Exploring investor readiness: assessments by entrepreneurs and investors in Australia EJ Douglas, D Shepherd Venture Capital: An international journal of entrepreneurial finance 4 (3 …, 2002 | 131 | 2002 |
A multi-motivational general model of entrepreneurial intention EJ Douglas, DA Shepherd, V Venugopal Journal of Business Venturing 36 (4), 106107, 2021 | 119 | 2021 |
Intrapreneurship in Australian firms JR Fitzsimmons, EJ Douglas, B Antoncic, RD Hisrich Journal of Management & Organization 11 (1), 17-27, 2005 | 101 | 2005 |
Valuing technology investments: use real options thinking but forget real options valuation PR Steffens, EJ Douglas International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship 1 (1), 58-77, 2007 | 75 | 2007 |
Entrepreneurship as a career choice: Attitudes, entrepreneurial intentions, and utility maximization EJ Douglas Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Wellesley, MA: Babson College, 1999 | 70 | 1999 |
Individual intentions towards entrepreneurship vs intrapreneurship E Douglas, J Fitzsimmons Proceedings of the 5th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange …, 2008 | 66 | 2008 |