Dr Adrian Bridge
Dr Adrian Bridge
Associate Professor Project Management, QUT
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The impact of transformational leadership on safety climate and individual safety behavior on construction sites
Y Shen, C Ju, TY Koh, S Rowlinson, AJ Bridge
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (1), 45, 2017
Examining the influence of participant performance factors on contractor satisfaction: A structural equation model
B Xiong, M Skitmore, B Xia, MA Masrom, K Ye, A Bridge
International journal of project management 32 (3), 482-491, 2014
Assessing the service quality of building maintenance providers: mechanical and engineering services
GKW Siu, A Bridge, M Skitmore
Construction Management and Economics 19 (7), 719-726, 2001
Impact of design risk on the performance of design-build projects
J Liu, Q Xie, B Xia, AJ Bridge
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 143 (6), 04017010, 2017
Empirical investigation of factors contributing to the psychological safety climate on construction sites
Y Shen, TY Koh, S Rowlinson, AJ Bridge
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 141 (11), 04015038, 2015
Economic development and construction productivity in Malaysia
FC Chia, M Skitmore, G Runeson, A Bridge
Construction Management and Economics 32 (9), 874-887, 2014
The use of function analysis as the basis of value management in the Australian construction industry
WM Spaulding, A Bridge, M Skitmore
Construction Management and Economics 23 (7), 723-731, 2005
The determinants of the vertical boundaries of the construction firm
AJ Bridge, C Tisdell
Construction Management and Economics 22 (8), 807-825, 2004
Education for sustainability in construction management curricula
YS Lim, B Xia, M Skitmore, J Gray, A Bridge
International Journal of Construction Management 15 (4), 321-331, 2015
An analysis of construction productivity in Malaysia
FC Chia, M Skitmore, G Runeson, A Bridge
Construction Management and Economics 30 (12), 1055-1069, 2012
Causes of delay in power transmission projects: An empirical study
GK Pall, AJ Bridge, J Gray, M Skitmore
Energies 13 (1), 17, 2019
Comprehensive review of delays in power transmission projects
GK Pall, AJ Bridge, M Skitmore, J Gray
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (14), 3393-3404, 2016
Factors affecting the performance of small indigenous contractors in Papua New Guinea
M Skitmore, D Wasi
Australian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 80-90, 2001
Crafting an efficient bundle of property rights to determine the suitability of a Public‐Private Partnership: a new theoretical framework
P Teo, AJ Bridge
International Journal of Project Management 35 (3), 269-279, 2017
Determinants of contractor satisfaction
MDA Masrom, M Skitmore, A Bridge
Construction Management and Economics 31 (7), 761-779, 2013
E-tendering readiness in construction: an a priori model
M Al-Yahya, M Skitmore, A Bridge, MP Nepal, D Cattell
International journal of procurement management 11 (5), 608-638, 2018
e-Tendering readiness in construction: The posterior model
M Al Yahya, M Skitmore, A Bridge, M Nepal, D Cattell
Construction Innovation 18 (2), 2018
Never let a good crisis go to waste: Exploring the effects of psychological distance of project failure on learning intention
J Liu, L Geng, B Xia, A Bridge
Journal of Management in Engineering 33 (4), 04017006, 2017
Improving sustainability literacy of future quantity surveyors
B Xia, N Rosly, P Wu, A Bridge, J Pienaar
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment 5 (4), 325-339, 2016
Multinational contracting and the eclectic paradigm of internationalization
A Rahman, AJ Bridge, S Rowlinson, B Hubbard, B Xia
Engineering, construction and architectural management 25 (11), 1418-1435, 2018
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