David Strang

David Strang

Professor of Sociology, Cornell University
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被引用 14303 次
Gilbert Ritschard

Gilbert Ritschard

University of Geneva, Institute of Demography and Socioeconomics
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被引用 5875 次
Jon Michael Gran

Jon Michael Gran

University of Oslo
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被引用 4669 次
Philippe Bocquier

Philippe Bocquier

Full Professor of Demography, Université catholique de Louvain (UcL), ORCID: 0000-0002 …
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被引用 4292 次
Klaus K. Holst

Klaus K. Holst

Principal Scientist, Novo Nordisk
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被引用 3860 次
Longyang Wu

Longyang Wu

Thermofisher Scientific
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被引用 563 次
Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska

Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska

Associated Professor, Warsaw School of Economics
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被引用 531 次
Gwendolin J. Blossfeld

Gwendolin J. Blossfeld

University of Bamberg
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被引用 352 次
Dennis Dobler

Dennis Dobler

Assistant Professor Mathematical Data Science with Applications in Medicine, TU Dortmund …
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被引用 281 次
Kristina Thompson

Kristina Thompson

Assistant professor, Health & Society, Wageningen University & Research
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被引用 120 次
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