Zeljko Medenica
Zeljko Medenica
Senior Engineer, Honda R&D Americas, Inc.
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Augmented reality vs. street views: a driving simulator study comparing two emerging navigation aids
Z Medenica, AL Kun, T Paek, O Palinko
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer …, 2011
Glancing at personal navigation devices can affect driving: experimental results and design implications
AL Kun, T Paek, Ž Medenica, N Memarović, O Palinko
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Automotive User …, 2009
Vehicular communications network and methods of use and manufacture thereof
S Saigusa, Y Sugimoto, Z Medenica
US Patent 10,081,357, 2018
Evaluating the usability of a head-up display for selection from choice lists in cars
G Weinberg, B Harsham, Z Medenica
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automotive User …, 2011
The effect of speech interface accuracy on driving performance.
AL Kun, T Paek, Z Medenica
Interspeech, 1326-1329, 2007
On the feasibility of using pupil diameter to estimate cognitive load changes for in-vehicle spoken dialogues.
AL Kun, O Palinko, Z Medenica, PA Heeman
Interspeech, 3766-3770, 2013
V2X applications using collaborative perception
R Miucic, A Sheikh, Z Medenica, R Kunde
2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 1-6, 2018
System and method for vehicle control in tailgating situations
J D'sa, S Saigusa, Z Medenica
US Patent 10,625,742, 2020
Estimating cognitive load using pupil diameter during a spoken dialogue task
PA Heeman, T Meshorer, AL Kun, O Palinko, Z Medenica
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2013
Comparing the influence of two user interfaces for mobile radios on driving performance
Z Medenica, DL Kun
Driving Assessment Conference 4 (2007), 2007
Contextual push-to-talk: shortening voice dialogs to improve driving performance
G Weinberg, B Harsham, C Forlines, Z Medenica
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human computer …, 2010
Video call, or not, that is the question
AL Kun, Z Medenica
CHI'12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1631-1636, 2012
Investigating HUDs for the presentation of choice lists in car navigation systems
G Weinberg, B Harsham, Z Medenica
Driving Assessment Conference 6 (2011), 2011
Apparatus and methods for providing vehicle driving information
Z Medenica, S Saigusa, Y Kamata
US Patent 10,150,410, 2018
Exploring In-Car Augmented Reality Navigation Aids: A Pilot Study
Z Medenica, O Palinko, AL Kun, T Paek
Conference Supplement, Ubicomp, 2009
Utilizing pupil diameter to estimate cognitive load changes during human dialogue: A preliminary study
AL Kun, Z Medenica, O Palinko, PA Heeman
Workshop on Cognitive Load and In-Vehicle Human-Machine Interaction …, 2011
Data synchronization for cognitive load estimation in driving simulator-based experiments
Z Medenica, AL Kun
Adjunct proceedings of the 4th international conference on automotive user …, 2012
The musical road: Interacting with a portable music player in the city and on the highway
AL Kun, DP Brumby, Z Medenica
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2014
The Effects of In-Car Navigation Aids on Driving Performance and Visual Attention
AL Kun, T Paek, Z Medenica, JE Oppelaar, O Palinko
Technical report ECE, 2009
Vehicular communications network and methods of use and manufacture thereof
S Saigusa, Y Sugimoto, Z Medenica
US Patent 11,161,503, 2021
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