Filippo Miatto
Filippo Miatto
Principal Quantum Architecture Scientist, Xanadu
在 xanadu.ai 的电子邮件经过验证
Quantum computational advantage with a programmable photonic processor
LS Madsen, F Laudenbach, MF Askarani, F Rortais, T Vincent, ...
Nature 606 (7912), 75-81, 2022
Colloquium: Understanding quantum weak values: Basics and applications
J Dressel, M Malik, FM Miatto, AN Jordan, RW Boyd
Reviews of Modern Physics 86 (1), 307-316, 2014
Divergence of an orbital-angular-momentum-carrying beam upon propagation
MJ Padgett, FM Miatto, MPJ Lavery, A Zeilinger, RW Boyd
New Journal of Physics 17 (2), 023011, 2015
Two-photon interference: the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect
F Bouchard, A Sit, Y Zhang, R Fickler, FM Miatto, Y Yao, F Sciarrino, ...
Reports on Progress in Physics 84 (1), 012402, 2020
Full characterization of the quantum spiral bandwidth of entangled biphotons
FM Miatto, AM Yao, SM Barnett
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (3), 033816, 2011
Limitations to the determination of a Laguerre–Gauss spectrum via projective, phase-flattening measurement
H Qassim, FM Miatto, JP Torres, MJ Padgett, E Karimi, RW Boyd
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 31 (6), A20-A23, 2014
Exploring the quantum nature of the radial degree of freedom of a photon via Hong-Ou-Mandel interference
E Karimi, D Giovannini, E Bolduc, N Bent, FM Miatto, MJ Padgett, ...
Physical Review A 89 (1), 013829, 2014
Spatial Schmidt modes generated in parametric down-conversion
FM Miatto, H di Lorenzo Pires, SM Barnett, MP van Exter
The European Physical Journal D 66, 1-11, 2012
Quantum hilbert hotel
V Potoček, FM Miatto, M Mirhosseini, OS Magaña-Loaiza, AC Liapis, ...
Physical review letters 115 (16), 160505, 2015
High-dimensional entanglement with orbital-angular-momentum states of light
BJ Pors, F Miatto, ER Eliel, JP Woerdman
Journal of Optics 13 (6), 064008, 2011
Bounds and optimisation of orbital angular momentum bandwidths within parametric down-conversion systems
FM Miatto, D Giovannini, J Romero, S Franke-Arnold, SM Barnett, ...
The European Physical Journal D 66, 1-6, 2012
Cartesian and polar Schmidt bases for down-converted photons: How high dimensional entanglement protects the shared information from non-ideal measurements
FM Miatto, T Brougham, AM Yao
The European Physical Journal D 66, 1-8, 2012
Fair sampling perspective on an apparent violation of duality
E Bolduc, J Leach, FM Miatto, G Leuchs, RW Boyd
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (34), 12337-12341, 2014
Determining the dimensionality of bipartite orbital-angular-momentum entanglement using multi-sector phase masks
D Giovannini, FM Miatto, J Romero, SM Barnett, JP Woerdman, ...
New Journal of Physics 14 (7), 073046, 2012
Full-mode characterization of correlated photon pairs generated in spontaneous downconversion
A D’Errico, F Hufnagel, F Miatto, M Rezaee, E Karimi
Optics Letters 46 (10), 2388-2391, 2021
Fast optimization of parametrized quantum optical circuits
FM Miatto, N Quesada
Quantum 4, 366, 2020
Projective filtering of the fundamental eigenmode from spatially multimode radiation
AM Pérez, PR Sharapova, SS Straupe, FM Miatto, OV Tikhonova, ...
Physical Review A 92 (5), 053861, 2015
Hamiltonians for one-way quantum repeaters
FM Miatto, M Epping, N Lütkenhaus
Quantum 2, 75, 2018
Riemannian optimization of photonic quantum circuits in phase and Fock space
Y Yao, F Miatto, N Quesada
SciPost Physics 17 (3), 082, 2024
The duality principle in the presence of postselection
J Leach, E Bolduc, FM Miatto, K Piché, G Leuchs, RW Boyd
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 19944, 2016
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