Stanisław Ołdziej
Stanisław Ołdziej
在 ug.edu.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Coarse-graining of condensed phase and biomolecular systems
GA Voth
CRC press, 2008
A united‐residue force field for off‐lattice protein‐structure simulations. I. Functional forms and parameters of long‐range side‐chain interaction potentials from protein …
A Liwo, S Ołdziej, MR Pincus, RJ Wawak, S Rackovsky, HA Scheraga
Journal of computational chemistry 18 (7), 849-873, 1997
A united‐residue force field for off‐lattice protein‐structure simulations. II. Parameterization of short‐range interactions and determination of weights of energy terms by Z …
A Liwo, MR Pincus, RJ Wawak, S Rackovsky, S Ołdziej, HA Scheraga
Journal of computational chemistry 18 (7), 874-887, 1997
Modification and optimization of the united-residue (UNRES) potential energy function for canonical simulations. I. Temperature dependence of the effective energy function and …
A Liwo, M Khalili, C Czaplewski, S Kalinowski, S Ołdziej, K Wachucik, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (1), 260-285, 2007
United‐residue force field for off‐lattice protein‐structure simulations: III. Origin of backbone hydrogen‐bonding cooperativity in united‐residue potentials
A Liwo, R Kaźmierkiewicz, C Czaplewski, M Groth, S Ołdziej, RJ Wawak, ...
Journal of computational chemistry 19 (3), 259-276, 1998
Recent improvements in prediction of protein structure by global optimization of a potential energy function
J Pillardy, C Czaplewski, A Liwo, J Lee, DR Ripoll, R Kaźmierkiewicz, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (5), 2329-2333, 2001
Computational techniques for efficient conformational sampling of proteins
A Liwo, C Czaplewski, S Ołdziej, HA Scheraga
Current opinion in structural biology 18 (2), 134-139, 2008
Physics-based protein-structure prediction using a hierarchical protocol based on the UNRES force field: Assessment in two blind tests
S Ołdziej, C Czaplewski, A Liwo, M Chinchio, M Nanias, JA Vila, M Khalili, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (21), 7547-7552, 2005
A unified coarse-grained model of biological macromolecules based on mean-field multipole–multipole interactions
A Liwo, M Baranowski, C Czaplewski, E Gołaś, Y He, D Jagieła, P Krupa, ...
Journal of molecular modeling 20, 1-15, 2014
A method for optimizing potential-energy functions by a hierarchical design of the potential-energy landscape: application to the UNRES force field
A Liwo, P Arłukowicz, C Czaplewski, S Ołdziej, J Pillardy, HA Scheraga
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (4), 1937-1942, 2002
CAS MCSCF/CAS MCQDPT2 study of the mechanism of singlet oxygen addition to 1, 3-butadiene and benzene
M Bobrowski, A Liwo, S Ołdziej, D Jeziorek, T Ossowski
Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (34), 8112-8119, 2000
Parametrization of backbone− electrostatic and multibody contributions to the UNRES force field for protein-structure prediction from ab initio energy surfaces of model systems
A Liwo, S Ołdziej, C Czaplewski, U Kozłowska, HA Scheraga
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (27), 9421-9438, 2004
Mean-Field Interactions between Nucleic-Acid-Base Dipoles<? format?> can Drive the Formation of a Double Helix
Y He, M Maciejczyk, S Ołdziej, HA Scheraga, A Liwo
Physical Review Letters 110 (9), 098101, 2013
Optimization of the UNRES force field by hierarchical design of the potential-energy landscape. 3. Use of many proteins in optimization
S Ołdziej, J Ła̧giewka, A Liwo, C Czaplewski, M Chinchio, M Nanias, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (43), 16950-16959, 2004
β-hairpin-forming peptides; models of early stages of protein folding
A Lewandowska, S Ołdziej, A Liwo, HA Scheraga
Biophysical chemistry 151 (1-2), 1-9, 2010
Simulation of the opening and closing of Hsp70 chaperones by coarse-grained molecular dynamics
E Gołaś, GG Maisuradze, P Senet, S Ołdziej, C Czaplewski, HA Scheraga, ...
Journal of chemical theory and computation 8 (5), 1750-1764, 2012
Lessons from application of the UNRES force field to predictions of structures of CASP10 targets
Y He, MA Mozolewska, P Krupa, AK Sieradzan, TK Wirecki, A Liwo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (37), 14936-14941, 2013
Simulation of protein structure and dynamics with the coarse-grained UNRES force field
A Liwo, C Czaplewski, S Ołdziej, AV Rojas, R Kazmierkiewicz, ...
Coarse-graining of condensed phase and biomolecular systems 1, 1391-1411, 2008
Development of physics-based energy functions that predict medium-resolution structures for proteins of the α, β, and α/β structural classes
J Pillardy, C Czaplewski, A Liwo, WJ Wedemeyer, J Lee, DR Ripoll, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105 (30), 7299-7311, 2001
Potential of mean force of hydrophobic association: Dependence on solute size
E Sobolewski, M Makowski, C Czaplewski, A Liwo, S Ołdziej, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (36), 10765-10774, 2007
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