Sebastian Wende -von Berg
Sebastian Wende -von Berg
其他姓名Sebastian Wende
Fraunhofer IEE
在 iee.fraunhofer.de 的电子邮件经过验证
A new extensive library of PHOENIX stellar atmospheres and synthetic spectra
TO Husser, S Wende-von Berg, S Dreizler, D Homeier, A Reiners, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 553, A6, 2013
A dynamically-packed planetary system around GJ 667C with three super-Earths in its habitable zone
G Anglada-Escudé, M Tuomi, E Gerlach, R Barnes, R Heller, JS Jenkins, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 556, A126, 2013
The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs-Photospheric parameters of target stars from high-resolution spectroscopy
VM Passegger, A Reiners, SV Jeffers, S Wende-von Berg, P Schoefer, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 615, A6, 2018
CRIRES spectroscopy and empirical line-by-line identification of FeH molecular absorption in an M dwarf
S Wende, A Reiners, A Seifahrt, PF Bernath
Astronomy & Astrophysics 523, A58, 2010
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 553
TO Husser, S Wende-von Berg, S Dreizler, D Homeier, A Reiners, ...
A6 Preprint 1303, 2013
Fundamental M-dwarf parameters from high-resolution spectra using PHOENIX ACES models-I. Parameter accuracy and benchmark stars
VM Passegger, S Wende-von Berg, A Reiners
Astronomy & Astrophysics 587, A19, 2016
High-resolution 1.6 μm Spectra of FeH in M and L Dwarfs
RJ Hargreaves, KH Hinkle, CW Bauschlicher, S Wende, A Seifahrt, ...
The Astronomical Journal 140 (4), 919, 2010
Modelling the molecular Zeeman-effect in M-dwarfs: methods and first results
D Shulyak, A Reiners, S Wende, O Kochukhov, N Piskunov, A Seifahrt
Astronomy & Astrophysics 523, A37, 2010
3D simulations of M star atmosphere velocities and their influence on molecular FeH lines
S Wende, A Reiners, HG Ludwig
Astronomy & Astrophysics 508 (3), 1429-1442, 2009
Fast parallel Newton–Raphson power flow solver for large number of system calculations with CPU and GPU
Z Wang, S Wende-von Berg, M Braun
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 27, 100483, 2021
A grid equivalent based on artificial neural networks in power systems with high penetration of distributed generation with reactive power control
Z Liu, N Bornhorst, S Wende-von Berg, M Braun
NEIS 2020; Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage …, 2020
Two planetary companions around the K7 dwarf GJ 221: a hot super-Earth and a candidate in the sub-Saturn desert range
P Arriagada, G Anglada-Escudé, RP Butler, JD Crane, SA Shectman, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 771 (1), 42, 2013
Operational optimisation framework improving DSO/TSO coordination demonstrated in real network operation
D Sebastian Stock, L Löwer, Y Harms, S Wende-von Berg, M Braun, ...
CIRED CP767 2020 (1), 840-843, 2020
Reactive power coordination strategies with distributed generators in distribution networks
H Wang, M Kraiczy, S Wende–von Berg, E Kämpf, B Ernst, S Schmidt, ...
1st Int. Conf. Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India …, 2017
SysDL 2.0—Systemdienstleistungen aus Flächenverteilnetzen: Methoden und Anwendungen
S Wende-von Berg, N Bornhorst, S Gehler, E Schneider, H Hänchen, ...
Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz, 2016
Adaptives statisches Netzäquivalent mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen
Z Liu, S Wende-von Berg, G Banerjee, N Bornhorst, T Kerber, A Maurus, ...
Proc. Symp. Energieinnovation, 1-11, 2020
Reactive power management of distributed generators for selective voltage optimization in 110-kV-Subtransmission grids
M Kreutziger, P Schegner, S Wende-von-Berg, M Braun, N Bornhorst
NEIS 2018; Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage …, 2018
Robust N-1 secure HV grid flexibility estimation for TSO-DSO coordinated congestion management with deep reinforcement learning
Z Wang, S Wende-von Berg, M Braun
NEIS 2022; Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage …, 2022
Optimized Characteristic-Curve-Based Local Reactive Power Control in Distribution Grids with Distributed Generators
Z Liu, Z Wang, N Bornhorst, M Kraiczy, S Wende-von Berg, T Kerber, ...
ETG Congress 2021, 1-6, 2021
Training of Artificial Neural Networks Based on Feed-in Time Series of Photovoltaics and Wind Power for Active and Reactive Power Monitoring in Medium-Voltage Grids
M Dipp, JH Menke, S Wende-von Berg, M Braun
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2019
文章 1–20