Md. Rafiqul Islam (PhD) SMIEEE
Md. Rafiqul Islam (PhD) SMIEEE
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering &Technology
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Recent advances in InN‐based solar cells: status and challenges in InGaN and InAlN solar cells
A Yamamoto, MR Islam, TT Kang, A Hashimoto
physica status solidi C 7 (5), 1309-1316, 2010
Nano-layered surface plasmon resonance-based highly sensitive biosensor for virus detection: A theoretical approach to detect SARS-CoV-2
M Moznuzzaman, I Khan, MR Islam
AIP advances 11 (6), 2021
Modeling of highly improved SPR sensor for formalin detection
M Moznuzzaman, MR Islam, MB Hossain, IM Mehedi
Results in Physics 16, 102874, 2020
Effect of layer thickness variation on sensitivity: An SPR based sensor for formalin detection
M Moznuzzaman, MR Islam, I Khan
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 32, 100419, 2021
MOVPE growth of InxGa1− xN (x∼ 0.4) and fabrication of homo-junction solar cells
MR Islam, MR Kaysir, MJ Islam, A Hashimoto, A Yamamoto
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 29 (2), 128-136, 2013
Determination of typical load profile of consumers using fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm
MJ Hossain, A Kabir, MM Rahman, B Kabir, MR Islam
Int. J. Soft Comput. Eng 1 (5), 169-173, 2011
Tunable Photocatalytic Properties of Planar GaN/GeC Hetero-Bilayer: Production of H₂ Fuel
MSH Khan, MR Islam, MS Islam, IM Mehedi, MT Hasan
IEEE Access 8, 209030-209042, 2020
Real-Time Non-intrusive Electrical Load Classification Over IoT Using Machine Learning
MT Ahammed, MM Hasan, MS Arefin, MR Islam, MA Rahman, E Hossain, ...
IEEE Access 9, 115053-115067, 2021
Impact of Channel Thickness on the Performance of GaAs and GaSb DG-JLMOSFETs: An Atomistic Tight Binding based Evaluation
MS Islam, MS Hasan, MR Islam, A Iskanderani, IM Mehedi, MT Hasan
IEEE Access 9, 117649-117659, 2021
Strain-dependent electronic and optical properties of boron-phosphide and germanium-carbide hetero-bilayer: A first-principles study
MS Hasan Khan, MR Islam, MT Hasan
AIP Advances 10 (8), 2020
“Step‐graded interlayers” for the improvement of MOVPE InxGa1‐xN (x ∼ 0.4) epi‐layer quality
MR Islam, Y Ohmura, A Hashimoto, A Yamamoto, K Kinoshita, Y Koji
physica status solidi c 7 (7‐8), 2097-2100, 2010
Mg doping behavior of MOVPE InxGa1− xN (x∼ 0.4)
MR Islam, K Sugita, M Horie, A Hashimoto, A Yamamoto
Journal of crystal growth 311 (10), 2817-2820, 2009
Analytical investigation of activation energy for Mg-doped p-AlGaN
MS Hasan, IM Mehedi, SMF Reza, MR Kaysir, MR Islam
Optical and Quantum Electronics 52, 1-10, 2020
Analyzing the off‐grid performance of the hybrid photovoltaic/diesel energy system for a peripheral village
AIM Iskanderani, IM Mehedi, MAM Ramli, MR Islam
International Journal of Photoenergy 2020 (1), 7673937, 2020
Design and performance of inxga1-xn-based mj solar cells
AY MR Islam, MT Hasan, AG Bhuiyan, MR Islam
IETECH Journal of Electrical Analysis 2, 237-243, 2008
Reducing fault current by using FACTS devices to improve electrical power flow
IM Mehedi, J Al Hasan Joy, MR Islam, N Hasan, UM Al-Saggaf, ...
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2021 (1), 8116816, 2021
Mg-doping and n+-p junction formation in MOVPE-grown InxGa1-xN (x∼0.4)
A Yamamoto, K Sugita, M Horie, Y Ohmura, MR Islam, A Hashimoto
2008 33rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 1-3, 2008
Electronic and Optical Properties of Sn Doped Hexagonal BN Monolayer: A First-principles Study
MSH Khan, FI Mime, MR Islam
2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 230-233, 2020
Continuous Power Flow Analysis for Micro-Generation Integration at Low Voltage Grid
MM Alam, C Moreira, MR Islam, IM Mehedi
2019 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication …, 2019
Study of Two-Dimensional Janus WXY (X≠ Y= S, Se, and Te) Trilayer Homostructures for Photovoltaic Applications Using DFT Screening of Different Stacking Patterns
K Kubra, MR Islam, MS Hasan Khan, MS Islam, MT Hasan
ACS omega 7 (15), 12947-12955, 2022
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