Dr Christopher E. Ndehedehe
Dr Christopher E. Ndehedehe
Senior Lecturer and Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow, Griffith University, Queensland
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Safe and just Earth system boundaries
J Rockström, J Gupta, D Qin, SJ Lade, JF Abrams, LS Andersen, ...
Nature 619 (7968), 102-111, 2023
Assessing Multi-satellite Remote Sensing, Reanalysis, and Land Surface Models' Products in Characterizing Agricultural Drought in East Africa
NO Agutu, JL Awange, A Zerihun, CE Ndehedehe, M Kuhn, Y Fukuda
Remote Sensing of Environment 194, 287-302, 2017
Deep support vector machine for hyperspectral image classification
O Okwuashi, CE Ndehedehe
Pattern Recognition 103, 107298, 2020
Spatio-temporal variability of droughts and terrestrial water storage over Lake Chad basin using independent component analysis
CE Ndehedehe, N Agutu, O Okwuashi, VG Ferreira
Journal of Hydrology 540, 106-128, 2016
Understanding Changes in Terrestrial Water Storage over West Africa between 2002 and 2014
C Ndehedehe, J Awange, N Agutu, M Kuhn, B Heck
Advances in Water Resources 88, 211-230, 2016
Space-based observations of crustal deflections for drought characterization in Brazil
VG Ferreira, HC Montecino, CE Ndehedehe, B Heck, Z Gong, ...
Science of the Total Environment 644, 256-273, 2018
On the potentials of multiple climate variables in assessing the spatio-temporal characteristics of hydrological droughts over the Volta Basin
CE Ndehedehe, JL Awange, RJ Corner, M Kuhn, O OKwuashi
Science of the Total Environment 558, 819-837, 2016
Climate teleconnections influence on West Africa's terrestrial water storage
CE Ndehedehe, JL Awange, M Kuhn, NO Agutu, Y Fukuda
Hydrological Processes 31, 3206–3224, 2017
GRACE-derived Groundwater Changes over Greater Horn of Africa: Temporal Variability and the Potential for Irrigated Agriculture.
NO Agutu, JL Awange, CE Ndehedehe, F Kirimi, M Kuhn
Science of the Total Environment, 2019
What if the rains do not come?
CE Ndehedehe, VG Ferreira, NO Agutu, AO Onojeghuo, O Okwuashi, ...
Journal of Hydrology 595, 126040, 2021
Analysis of hydrological variability over the Volta river basin using in-situ data and satellite observations
CE Ndehedehe, JL Awange, M Kuhn, NO Agutu, Y Fukuda
Journal of Hydrology:Regional Studies 12, 88-110, 2017
Integrating machine learning with Markov chain and cellular automata models for modelling urban land use change
O Okwuashi, CE Ndehedehe
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 21, 100461, 2021
Characterization of the hydro-geological regime of Yangtze River basin using remotely-sensed and modeled products
VG Ferreira, B Yong, MJ Tourian, CE Ndehedehe, Z Shen, K Seitz, ...
Science of the Total Environment 718, 137354, 2020
Evolutionary drought patterns over the Sahel and their teleconnections with low frequency climate oscillations
CE Ndehedehe, NO Agutu, VG Ferreira, A Getirana
Atmospheric Research, 2019
Changes in hydro-meteorological conditions over tropical West Africa (1980-2015) and links to global climate
CE Ndehedehe, JL Awange, NO Agutu, O Okwuashi
Global and Planetary Change 162, 321-341, 2018
Modelling the impacts of global multi-scale climatic drivers on hydro-climatic extremes (1901-2014) over the Congo basin
CE Ndehedehe, RO Anyah, D Alsdorf, NO Agutu, VG Ferreira
Science of The Total Environment 651, 1569-1587, 2018
Assessing land water storage dynamics over South America
CE Ndehedehe, VG Ferreira
Journal of Hydrology, 2020
The water resources of tropical West Africa: problems, progress, and prospects
CE Ndehedehe
Acta Geophysica, 2019
Tropical coastal wetlands ameliorate nitrogen export during floods
MF Adame, DP Hamilton, ME Roberts, CE Ndehedehe, V Reis, J Lu, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2019
Consistency of agricultural drought characterization over Upper Greater Horn of Africa (1982-2013): Topographical, gauge density, and model forcing in influence.
NO Agutu, JL Awange, CE Ndehedehe, M Mwaniki
Science of the Total Environment, 2019
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