Roberto Filippi
Roberto Filippi
Professor of Psychology, IOE - University College London's Faculty of Education and Society
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Bilingual children show an advantage in controlling verbal interference during spoken language comprehension
R Filippi, J Morris, FM Richardson, P Bright, MSC Thomas, ...
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 18 (3), 490-501, 2015
Contrasting effects of vocabulary knowledge on temporal and parietal brain structure across lifespan
FM Richardson, MSC Thomas, R Filippi, H Harth, CJ Price
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 22 (5), 943-954, 2010
Language switching in bilingual production: empirical data and computational modelling
R Filippi, T Karaminis, MSC Thomas
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 14 (2), 294-315, 2013
A bilingual advantage in controlling language interference during sentence comprehension
R Filippi, R Leech, MSC Thomas, DW Green, F Dick
Bilingualism: language and cognition 15 (4), 858-872, 2012
The importance of socioeconomic status as a modulator of the bilingual advantage in cognitive ability
K Naeem, R Filippi, E Periche-Tomas, A Papageorgiou, P Bright
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1818, 2018
The right posterior paravermis and the control of language interference
R Filippi, FM Richardson, F Dick, R Leech, DW Green, MSC Thomas, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (29), 10732-10740, 2011
A bilingual disadvantage in metacognitive processing
Folke, Ouzia, Bright, de Martino & Filippi
Cognition, 2016
Evidence of an advantage in visuo-spatial memory for bilingual compared to monolingual speakers
L Kerrigan, MSC Thomas, P Bright, R Filippi
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 20 (3), 602-612, 2017
Evidence against a cognitive advantage in the older bilingual population
A Papageorgiou, P Bright, E Periche-Tomas, R Filippi
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2018
Developmental trajectories of metacognitive processing and executive function from childhood to older age
R Filippi, A Ceccolini, E Periche-Tomas, P Bright
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2020
The effects of habitual code-switching in bilingual language production on cognitive control
X Han, W Li, R Filippi
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 25 (5), 869-889, 2022
A developmental approach to bilingual research: The effects of multi-language experience from early infancy to old age
R Filippi, D D'Souza, P Bright
International Journal of Bilingualism, 2017
Trajectories of verbal fluency and executive functions in multilingual and monolingual children and adults: A cross-sectional study
R Filippi, A Ceccolini, P Bright
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (1), 130-147, 2022
Impact of language experience on attention to faces in infancy: Evidence from unimodal and bimodal bilingual infants
E Mercure, I Quiroz, L Goldberg, H Bowden-Howl, K Coulson, T Gliga, ...
Frontiers in Psychology, 2018
A role for the cerebellum in the control of verbal interference: comparison of bilingual and monolingual adults
R Filippi, E Periche-Tomas, A Papageorgiou, P Bright
PLOS ONE, 2020
Modulatory effects of SES and multilinguistic experience on cognitive development: a longitudinal data analysis of multilingual and monolingual adolescents from the SCAMP cohort
R Filippi, A Ceccolini, E Booth, C Shen, MSC Thomas, MB Toledano, ...
International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism 25 (9), 3489-3506, 2022
Developmental trajectories of control of verbal and non-verbal interference in speech comprehension in monolingual and multilingual children
R Filippi, A Ceccolini, E Periche-Tomas, A Papageorgiou, P Bright
Cognition 200, 104252, 2020
What can neurodevelopmental disorders teach us about typical development
R Filippi, A Karmiloff-Smith
Current issues in developmental disorders 193, 8
Perspectives on the “bilingual advantage”: Challenges and opportunities
P Bright, R Filippi
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1346, 2019
Progressive modularization: reframing our understanding of typical and atypical language development
D D’Souza, R Filippi
First Language, 2017
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