Renwen Zhang
Renwen Zhang
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The stress-buffering effect of self-disclosure on Facebook: An examination of stressful life events, social support, and mental health among college students
R Zhang
Computers in Human Behavior 75, 527-537, 2017
Mapping ICT use at home and telecommuting practices: A perspective from work/family border theory
L Leung, R Zhang
Telematics and Informatics 34 (1), 385-396, 2017
An agenda for open science in communication
T Dienlin, N Johannes, ND Bowman, PK Masur, S Engesser, AS Kümpel, ...
Journal of Communication 71 (1), 1-26, 2021
Passive social media use and psychological well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of social comparison and emotion regulation
Z Yue, R Zhang, J Xiao
Computers in Human Behavior 127, 107050, 2022
Systematic review and meta-analysis of AI-based conversational agents for promoting mental health and well-being
H Li*, R Zhang*, YC Lee, RE Kraut, DC Mohr
NPJ Digital Medicine 6 (1), 236, 2023
Provider perspectives on the integration of patient-reported outcomes in an electronic health record
R Zhang, ER Burgess, MC Reddy, NE Rothrock, S Bhatt, LV Rasmussen, ...
JAMIA open 2 (1), 73-80, 2019
Predicting tablet use: A study of gratifications-sought, leisure boredom, and multitasking
L Leung, R Zhang
Telematics and Informatics 33 (2), 331-341, 2016
Clinically meaningful use of mental health apps and its effects on depression: mixed methods study
R Zhang, J Nicholas, AA Knapp, AK Graham, E Gray, MJ Kwasny, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (12), e15644, 2019
Designing mental health technologies that support the social ecosystem of college students
EG Lattie, R Kornfield, KE Ringland, R Zhang, N Winquist, M Reddy
Proceedings of the 2020 chi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2020
Online support groups for depression in China: Culturally shaped interactions and motivations
R Zhang, J Eschler, M Reddy
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 27 (3), 327-354, 2018
Privacy management and self-disclosure on social network sites: The moderating effects of stress and gender
R Zhang, JS Fu
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 25 (3), 236-251, 2020
Designing for Emotional Well-Being: Integrating Persuasion and Customization into Mental Health Technologies
R Zhang, K E. Ringland, M Paan, D C. Mohr, M Reddy
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021
Distress disclosure across social media platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic: Untangling the effects of platforms, affordances, and audiences
R Zhang, N N. Bazarova, M Reddy
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Are older adults networked individuals? Insights from East Yorkers’ network structure, relational autonomy, and digital media use
H Wang, R Zhang, B Wellman
Information, Communication & Society 21 (5), 681-696, 2018
" Energy is a finite resource": designing technology to support individuals across fluctuating symptoms of depression
R Kornfield, R Zhang, J Nicholas, SM Schueller, SA Cambo, DC Mohr, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human factors in Computing systems …, 2020
Identifying practice facilitation delays and barriers in primary care quality improvement
J Ye, R Zhang, JE Bannon, AA Wang, TL Walunas, AN Kho, ND Soulakis
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 33 (5), 655-664, 2020
Social media use, psychological well-being and physical health during lockdown
Z Yue, DS Lee, J Xiao, R Zhang
Information, Communication & Society 26 (7), 1452-1469, 2023
Weaving family connections on and offline: The turn to networked individualism
A Quan-Haase, H Wang, B Wellman, R Zhang
Connecting families?, 59-80, 2018
Technology ecosystems: Rethinking resources for mental health
ER Burgess, R Zhang, SK Ernala, JL Feuston, M De Choudhury, ...
Interactions 28 (1), 66-71, 2020
Predictors of student engagement and perceived learning in emergency online education amidst COVID-19: A community of inquiry perspective
L Li, R Zhang, AM Piper
Computers in Human Behavior Reports 12, 100326, 2023
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