Kathryn A. Stofer
Brain activation in the processing of Chinese characters and words: a functional MRI study
LH Tan, JA Spinks, JH Gao, HL Liu, CA Perfetti, J Xiong, KA Stofer, Y Pu, ...
Human brain mapping 10 (1), 16-27, 2000
Neuroimaging of cerebral activations and deactivations associated with hypercapnia and hunger for air
S Brannan, M Liotti, G Egan, R Shade, L Madden, R Robillard, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (4), 2029-2034, 2001
Reducing gist-based false recognition in older adults: Encoding and retrieval manipulations.
W Koutstaal, DL Schacter, L Galluccio, KA Stofer
Psychology and Aging 14 (2), 220-234, 1999
A Measure of Students’ Motivation to Learn Science through Agricultural STEM Emphasis
SB Chumbley, JC Haynes, KA Stofer
American Association of Agricultural Education 2015, 2015
School of ants goes to college: Integrating citizen science into the general education classroom increases engagement with science
T Vitone, K Stofer, MS Steininger, J Hulcr, R Dunn, A Lucky
Journal of Science Communication 15 (1), A03, 2016
Two-year college students report multiple benefits from participation in an integrated geoscience research, coursework, and outreach internship program
KA Stofer, JW Chandler, S Insalaco, C Matyas, HJ Lannon, J Judge, ...
Community College Review 49 (4), 457-482, 2021
Preparing for One-on-One Qualitative Interviews: Designing and Conducting the Interview: AEC675/WC338, 8/2019
KA Stofer
Edis 2019 (4), 4-4, 2019
Gestures by children and adults on touch tables and touch walls in a public science center
L Anthony, KA Stofer, A Luc, JO Wobbrock
Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design …, 2016
Comparing experts and novices on scaffolded data visualizations using eye-tracking
K Stofer, X Che
Journal of Eye Movement Research 7 (5), 2014
Capturing visitors’ gazes: Three eye tracking studies in museums
S Filippini Fantoni, K Jaebker, D Bauer, K Stofer
The annual conference of museums and the web, 17-20, 2013
Do user-defined gestures for flatscreens generalize to interactive spherical displays for adults and children?
N Soni, S Gleaves, H Neff, S Morrison-Smith, S Esmaeili, I Mayne, ...
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international symposium on pervasive displays, 1-7, 2019
When a picture isn't worth 1000 words: Learners struggle to find meaning in data visualizations
KA Stofer
Journal of Geoscience Education 64 (3), 231-241, 2016
Adults' and children's mental models for gestural interactions with interactive spherical displays
N Soni, S Gleaves, H Neff, S Morrison-Smith, S Esmaeili, I Mayne, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
Integrating disciplinary core ideas, the agriculture, food and natural resources career pathways and next generation science standards
RK Barrick, SB Heinert, BE Myers, AC Thoron, K Stofer
Career and Technical Education Research 43 (1), 41-56, 2018
Ocean data visualization on a touchtable demonstrates group content learning, science practices use, and potential embodied cognition
C Schuman, KA Stofer, L Anthony, H Neff, P Chang, N Soni, A Darrow, ...
Research in Science Education, 1-13, 2020
Panel-based exhibit using participatory design elements may motivate behavior change
L Lundgren, KA Stofer, BA Dunckel, J Krieger, M Lange, V James
Journal of Science Communication 18 (2), 1, 2019
Affording embodied cognition through touchscreen and above-the-surface gestures during collaborative tabletop science learning
N Soni, A Darrow, A Luc, S Gleaves, C Schuman, H Neff, P Chang, ...
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 16, 105-144, 2021
When Defining Agriculture and Science, Explicit Is Not a Bad Word.
KA Stofer, MG Newberry III
Journal of Agricultural Education 58 (1), 131-150, 2017
Scientists need professional development to practice meaningful public engagement
KA Stofer, D Hanson, K Hecht
Journal of Responsible Innovation 10 (1), 2127672, 2023
Informal, Nonformal, or Free-Choice Education and Learning? Toward a Common Terminology for Agriscience and Ag-STEM Educators
KA Stofer
Journal of Human Sciences and Extension 3 (1), 125-134, 2015
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