Seyed Hossein Hosseini
Seyed Hossein Hosseini
Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Tabriz, Iran & Near East University, Cyprus
在 tabrizu.ac.ir 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
New cascaded multilevel inverter topology with minimum number of switches
E Babaei, SH Hosseini
Energy conversion and management 50 (11), 2761-2767, 2009
Reduction of dc voltage sources and switches in asymmetrical multilevel converters using a novel topology
E Babaei, SH Hosseini, GB Gharehpetian, MT Haque, M Sabahi
Electric Power Systems Research 77 (8), 1073-1085, 2007
Modeling and control of a new three-input DC–DC boost converter for hybrid PV/FC/battery power system
F Nejabatkhah, S Danyali, SH Hosseini, M Sabahi, SM Niapour
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 27 (5), 2309-2324, 2011
A new cascaded switched-capacitor multilevel inverter based on improved series–parallel conversion with less number of components
E Zamiri, N Vosoughi, SH Hosseini, R Barzegarkhoo, M Sabahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (6), 3582-3594, 2016
Optimal design of new cascaded switch-ladder multilevel inverter structure
RS Alishah, SH Hosseini, E Babaei, M Sabahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (3), 2072-2080, 2016
Double flying capacitor multicell converter based on modified phase-shifted pulsewidth modulation
AK Sadigh, SH Hosseini, M Sabahi, GB Gharehpetian
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 25 (6), 1517-1526, 2009
Reduction of power electronic elements in multilevel converters using a new cascade structure
RS Alishah, D Nazarpour, SH Hosseini, M Sabahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (1), 256-269, 2014
A new general multilevel converter topology based on cascaded connection of submultilevel units with reduced switching components, DC sources, and blocked voltage by switches
RS Alishah, SH Hosseini, E Babaei, M Sabahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (11), 7157-7164, 2016
A single-phase transformerless inverter with charge pump circuit concept for grid-tied PV applications
JF Ardashir, M Sabahi, SH Hosseini, F Blaabjerg, E Babaei, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (7), 5403-5415, 2016
Extendable nonisolated high gain DC–DC converter based on active–passive inductor cells
E Babaei, HM Maheri, M Sabahi, SH Hosseini
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 65 (12), 9478-9487, 2018
New extendable single-stage multi-input DC–DC/AC boost converter
S Danyali, SH Hosseini, GB Gharehpetian
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 29 (2), 775-788, 2013
Novel topologies for symmetric, asymmetric, and cascade switched-diode multilevel converter with minimum number of power electronic components
RS Alishah, D Nazarpour, SH Hosseini, M Sabahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (10), 5300-5310, 2014
New hybrid structure for multilevel inverter with fewer number of components for high‐voltage levels
RS Alishah, D Nazarpour, SH Hosseini, M Sabahi
IET power electronics 7 (1), 96-104, 2014
Interleaved high step‐up DC–DC converter based on three‐winding high‐frequency coupled inductor and voltage multiplier cell
T Nouri, SH Hosseini, E Babaei, J Ebrahimi
IET Power Electronics 8 (2), 175-189, 2015
An overview of power quality enhancement techniques applied to distributed generation in electrical distribution networks
Y Naderi, SH Hosseini, SG Zadeh, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, JC Vasquez, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 93, 201-214, 2018
A new high step-up multi-input multi-output DC–DC converter
P Mohseni, SH Hosseini, M Sabahi, T Jalilzadeh, M Maalandish
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (7), 5197-5208, 2018
New high step-up multilevel converter topology with self-voltage balancing ability and its optimization analysis
RS Alishah, SH Hosseini, E Babaei, M Sabahi, GB Gharehpetian
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (9), 7060-7070, 2017
High step-up DC–DC converter with minimum output voltage ripple
HM Maheri, E Babaei, M Sabahi, SH Hosseini
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (5), 3568-3575, 2017
Charge balance control methods for asymmetrical cascade multilevel converters
E Babaei, SH Hosseini
2007 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 74-79, 2007
Verification of a new energy control strategy for dynamic voltage restorer by simulation
MR Banaei, SH Hosseini, S Khanmohamadi, GB Gharehpetian
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 14 (2), 112-125, 2006
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