Governing through crime J Simon Crime, inequality and the state, 589-595, 2020 | 4909 | 2020 |
The new penology: Notes of the emerging strategy of corrections and its implications S Jonathan Crime, Law and Society, 327-352, 2017 | 4232 | 2017 |
Actuarial justice: The emerging new criminal law M Feeley, J Simon The futures of criminology 173, 174, 1994 | 1413 | 1994 |
Poor discipline J Simon University of Chicago Press, 1993 | 989 | 1993 |
The ideological effects of actuarial practices J Simon Law & Society Review 22 (4), 771-800, 1988 | 567 | 1988 |
Managing the monstrous: Sex offenders and the new penology S Jonathan Governing Risks, 279-294, 2021 | 455 | 2021 |
Embracing risk: The changing culture of insurance and responsibility T Baker, J Simon University of Chicago Press, 2010 | 437 | 2010 |
Mass incarceration on trial: A remarkable court decision and the future of prisons in America J Simon New Press, The, 2014 | 431 | 2014 |
Understanding prison policy and population trends T Caplow, J Simon Crime and justice 26, 63-120, 1999 | 360 | 1999 |
TheSociety of Captives' in the Era of Hyper-Incarceration J Simon Theoretical Criminology 4 (3), 285-308, 2000 | 309 | 2000 |
The emergence of a risk society-insurance, law, and the state J Simon Socialist review, 60-89, 1987 | 306 | 1987 |
True crime: The new penology and public discourse on crime J Simon, M Feeley Punishment and social control, 147-180, 1995 | 235 | 1995 |
Megan's law: Crime and democracy in late modern America J Simon Law & Social Inquiry 25 (4), 1111-1150, 2000 | 212 | 2000 |
Embracing risk T Baker, J Simon Embracing risk: The changing culture of insurance and responsibility, 1-25, 2002 | 191 | 2002 |
Refugees in a carceral age: The rebirth of immigration prisons in the United States J Simon Public Culture 10 (3), 577-607, 1998 | 184 | 1998 |
They died with their boots on: The boot camp and the limits of modern penality J Simon Social Justice 22 (2 (60), 25-48, 1995 | 161 | 1995 |
La nueva penología: notas acerca de las estrategias emergentes en el sistema penal y sus implicaciones M Feeley, J Simon Delito y Sociedad 6 (7), 33-58, 1995 | 161 | 1995 |
‘Entitlement to cruelty': the end of welfare and the punitive mentality in the United States J Simon Crime, risk and justice, 125-143, 2012 | 155 | 2012 |
8. Taking Risks: Extreme Sports and the Embrace of Risk in Advanced Liberal Societies J Simon Embracing risk, 177-208, 2010 | 146 | 2010 |
Beyond legal realism: Cultural analysis, cultural studies, and the situation of legal scholarship A Sarat, J Simon Yale JL & Human. 13, 3, 2001 | 146 | 2001 |