João Ruivo Paulo
João Ruivo Paulo
Institute of Systemns and Robotics - University of Coimbra
在 isr.uc.pt 的电子邮件经过验证
ISR-AIWALKER: Robotic walker for intuitive and safe mobility assistance and gait analysis
J Paulo, P Peixoto, UJ Nunes
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 47 (6), 1110-1122, 2017
Cross-subject zero calibration driver’s drowsiness detection: Exploring spatiotemporal image encoding of EEG signals for convolutional neural network classification
JR Paulo, G Pires, UJ Nunes
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 29, 905-915, 2021
A review of genetic algorithm approaches for wildfire spread prediction calibration
J Pereira, J Mendes, JSS Júnior, C Viegas, JR Paulo
Mathematics 10 (3), 300, 2022
Automatic forest fire danger rating calibration: Exploring clustering techniques for regionally customizable fire danger classification
JSS Júnior, JR Paulo, J Mendes, D Alves, LM Ribeiro, C Viegas
Expert Systems with Applications 193, 116380, 2022
CNN-based approaches for cross-subject classification in motor imagery: From the state-of-the-art to DynamicNet
A Zancanaro, G Cisotto, JR Paulo, G Pires, UJ Nunes
2021 IEEE conference on computational intelligence in bioinformatics and …, 2021
3D point cloud downsampling for 2D indoor scene modelling in mobile robotics
L Garrote, J Rosa, J Paulo, C Premebida, P Peixoto, UJ Nunes
2017 IEEE international conference on autonomous robot systems and …, 2017
Machine learning applied to low back pain rehabilitation–a systematic review
P Amorim, JR Paulo, PA Silva, P Peixoto, M Castelo-Branco, H Martins
International Journal of Digital Health 1 (1), 10, 2021
Robot-assisted navigation for a robotic walker with aided user intent
L Garrote, J Paulo, J Perdiz, P Peixoto, UJ Nunes
2018 27th IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive …, 2018
Reinforcement learning aided robot-assisted navigation: A utility and RRT two-stage approach
L Garrote, J Paulo, UJ Nunes
International Journal of Social Robotics 12 (3), 689-707, 2020
Automatic calibration of forest fire weather index for independent customizable regions based on historical records
JSS Júnior, J Paulo, J Mendes, D Alves, LM Ribeiro
2020 IEEE Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2020
Trajectory-based gait pattern shift detection for assistive robotics applications
J Paulo, P Peixoto, P Amorim
Intelligent Service Robotics 12 (3), 255-264, 2019
Human gait pattern changes detection system: A multimodal vision-based and novelty detection learning approach
J Paulo, A Asvadi, P Peixoto, P Amorim
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 37 (4), 701-717, 2017
ISRobotCar: The autonomous electric vehicle project
M Silva, F Moita, U Nunes, L Garrote, H Faria, J Ruivo
2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2012
A novel vision-based human-machine interface for a robotic walker framework
J Paulo, P Peixoto, U Nunes
2015 24th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2015
An innovative robotic walker for mobility assistance and lower limbs rehabilitation
J Paulo, L Garrote, C Premebida, A Asvadi, D Almeida, A Lopes, ...
2017 IEEE 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG), 1-4, 2017
Markerless multi-view-based multi-user head tracking system for virtual reality applications
D Bicho, P Girão, J Paulo, L Garrote, UJ Nunes, P Peixoto
2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2019
Classification of reaching and gripping gestures for safety on walking aids
J Paulo, P Peixoto
The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2014
Real-time multi-view grid map-based spatial representation for mixed reality applications
P Girão, J Paulo, L Garrote, P Peixoto
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics: 5th International …, 2018
Wildfire spread prediction model calibration using metaheuristic algorithms
J Pereira, J Mendes, JSS Júnior, C Viegas, JR Paulo
IECON 2022–48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2022
Spatiotemporal 2D skeleton-based image for dynamic gesture recognition using convolutional neural networks
JR Paulo, L Garrote, P Peixoto, UJ Nunes
2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive …, 2021
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