Tina Tong Liu
Tina Tong Liu
Georgetown University Medical Center
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Impaired holistic processing of left-right composite faces in congenital prosopagnosia
TT Liu, M Behrmann
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 750, 2014
Successful reorganization of category-selective visual cortex following occipito-temporal lobectomy in childhood
TT Liu, A Nestor, MD Vida, JA Pyles, C Patterson, Y Yang, FN Yang, ...
Cell reports 24 (5), 1113-1122. e6, 2018
The optimal viewing position in face recognition
JH Hsiao, TT Liu
Journal of Vision 12 (2), 22-22, 2012
Perceptual function and category-selective neural organization in children with resections of visual cortex
TT Liu, E Freud, C Patterson, M Behrmann
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (32), 6299-6314, 2019
Functional connectome mediates the association between sleep disturbance and mental health in preadolescence: a longitudinal mediation study
FN Yang, TT Liu, Z Wang
Human Brain Mapping 43 (6), 2041-2050, 2022
Functional outcomes following lesions in visual cortex: implications for plasticity of high-level vision
TT Liu, M Behrmann
Neuropsychologia 105, 197-214, 2017
Layer-specific, retinotopically-diffuse modulation in human visual cortex in response to viewing emotionally expressive faces
TT Liu, JZ Fu, Y Chai, S Japee, G Chen, LG Ungerleider, EP Merriam
Nature communications 13 (1), 6302, 2022
Topographical and laminar distribution of audiovisual processing within human planum temporale
Y Chai, TT Liu, S Marrett, L Li, A Khojandi, DA Handwerker, A Alink, ...
Progress in neurobiology 205, 102121, 2021
Effects of unilateral cortical resection of the visual cortex on bilateral human white matter
AMS Maallo, E Freud, TT Liu, C Patterson, M Behrmann
NeuroImage 207, 116345, 2020
Corticostriatal connectivity mediates the reciprocal relationship between parent‐reported sleep duration and impulsivity in early adolescents
FN Yang, TT Liu, Z Wang
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 64 (11), 1545-1554, 2023
The mechanisms supporting holistic perception of words and faces are not independent
P Ventura, TT Liu, F Cruz, A Pereira
Memory & Cognition 51 (4), 966-981, 2023
Holistic processing for left–right composite faces in Chinese and Caucasian observers
TT Liu, WG Hayward, M Oxner, M Behrmann
Visual cognition 22 (8), 1050-1071, 2014
Eye movements for scrambled faces
WG Hayward, J Lao, Z Cheng, K Crookes, TT Liu, R Caldara
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 398-398, 2013
Holistic processing and face expertise after pediatric resection of occipitotemporal cortex
C Simmons, MC Granovetter, S Robert, TT Liu, C Patterson, M Behrmann
Neuropsychologia 194, 108789, 2024
Emotion and anxiety interact to bias spatial attention.
HP Bachmann, S Japee, EP Merriam, TT Liu
Emotion, 2023
Hemispheric specialization for holistic processing of faces in normal and prosopagnosic observers?
T Liu, M Oxner, W Hayward, M Behrmann
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 570-570, 2014
Bypassing V1: Orientation selectivity in hMT+ of cortically-blinded patients
TT Liu, HP Bachmann, MR Cavanaugh, BK Fahrenthold, MD Melnick, ...
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 4738-4738, 2023
Direction discrimination training recovers fine orientation perception in V1-damage fields
M Cavanaugh, T Liu, E Merriam, D Tadin, K Huxlin
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 4942-4942, 2023
From Perugino to Picasso: Holistic processing of faces in paintings.
P Ventura, TT Liu, F Cruz, A Pereira, M Domingues, JC Guerreiro, ...
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2023
High and low: The resolution of representations in visual working memory
T Liu, Z Chen, WG Hayward
University of Hong Kong, 2013
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