Stefan Ritter
Stefan Ritter
Researcher, Norwegian Geotechnical Insitute
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Centrifuge modelling of building response to tunnel excavation
S Ritter, G Giardina, MJ DeJong, RJ Mair
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 18 (3), 146-161, 2018
Planning the handling of tunnel excavation material–A process of decision making under uncertainty
S Ritter, HH Einstein, R Galler
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 33, 193-201, 2013
Influence of building characteristics on tunnelling-induced ground movements
S Ritter, G Giardian, MJ DeJong, RJ Mair
ICE Publishing, 2017
Continuum solutions for tunnel–building interaction and a modified framework for deformation prediction
A Franza, S Ritter, MJ Dejong
Géotechnique 70 (2), 108-122, 2020
Building deformation caused by tunneling: Centrifuge modeling
S Ritter, G Giardina, A Franza, MJ DeJong
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146 (5), 04020017, 2020
Experiments in tunnel-soil-structure interaction
S Ritter
Assessment of building damage due to excavation-induced displacements: The GIBV method
L Piciullo, S Ritter, AOK Lysdahl, J Langford, F Nadim
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 108, 103673, 2021
From urban underground space (UUS) to sustainable underground urbanism (SUU): Shifting the focus in urban underground scholarship
L von der Tann, S Ritter, S Hale, J Langford, S Salazar
Land Use Policy 109, 105650, 2021
Early-stage assessment of structural damage caused by braced excavations: Uncertainty quantification and a probabilistic analysis approach
J Zhao, S Ritter, MJ DeJong
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 125, 104499, 2022
Stabilisation of Soft Clay, Quick Clay and Peat by Industrial By-Products and Biochars
S Hov, P Paniagua, C Sætre, M Long, G Cornelissen, S Ritter
Applied Sciences 13 (16), 9048, 2023
Modelling the 3D brittle response of masonry buildings to tunnelling
G Giardina, S Ritter, MJ DeJong, RJ Mair
Structural analysis of Historical Constructions: Anamnesis, diagnosis …, 2016
Risk determination for tunnels and other networked infrastructure
HH Einstein, MA Kaabi, HCM Chan, A Costa, JP Dudt, C Haas, ...
Geo-Risk 2017, 346-367, 2017
Bioashes and steel slag as alternative binders in ground improvement of quick clays
P Paniagua, S Ritter, M Moseid, G Okkenhaug
Geo-Congress 2023, 25-34, 2023
A case study on the effects of anchor drilling in soft, low sensitive clay and sandy, silty soils
T Sandene, S Ritter, EJ Lande
Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground. 2nd Edition …, 2022
Biochar amendment for improved and more sustainable peat stabilisation
S Ritter, P Paniagua, CB Hansen, G Cornelissen
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement 177 (2 …, 2022
BegrensSkade II–REMEDY–risk reduction of groundwork damage: an overview
J Langford, EJ Lande, T Sandene, M Kahlstrøm, F Nadim, ...
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 710 (1), 012058, 2021
Physical modelling of pile drilling in sand
EJ Lande, S Ritter, H Tyvold, S Nordal
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 58 (10), 1437-1451, 2021
3D printing of masonry structures for centrifuge modelling
S Ritter, MJ DeJong, G Giardina, RJ Mair
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Volume 1, 449-454, 2018
Behaviour of 60-year-old trial embankments on peat
M Long, P Paniagua, G Grimstad, EBA Sponås, E Bjertness, S Ritter
Engineering Geology 323, 107226, 2023
InSAR monitoring data to assess building response to deep excavations
S Ritter, R Frauenfelder
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 710 (1), 012036, 2021
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