Dr. N. Suthanthira Vanitha
Dr. N. Suthanthira Vanitha
Professor/EEE & Dean -Quality Assurance,Muthayammal Engineering College(Autonomous),Rasipuram
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Vehicle Tracking and Looking System Based on GSM and GPS
T Ramani, S Valarmathy, N SuthanthiraVanitha
International Jourrnal of Intelligent Systems and Applications(IJISA) 5 (9), 86, 2013
The Pre-Processing Techniques for Breast Cancer Detection in Mammography Images
S. Valarmathy,N. Suthanthira Vanitha,R. Ramani
I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 5, 47-54, 2013
GSM based Automated Irrigation Control using Raingun Irrigation System
D Suresh,Suthanthira Vanitha,Gopinath, Govindaraju
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication …, 2014
Artificial intelligence techniques in water purification and utilization
S Vanitha, K Radhika, S Boopathi
Human Agro-Energy Optimization for Business and Industry, 202-218, 2023
Model and design of a fuzzy-based Hopfield NN tracking controller for standalone PV applications
N. Suthanthiravanitha,R. Arulmurugan
Electric Power Systems Research, 2014
Optimal Design of DC to DC Boost Converter with Closed Loop Control PID Mechanism for High Voltage Photovoltaic Application
N.Suthanthira vanitha,R.Arulmurugan
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS) 3, 336~343, 2013
Power Quality Monitoring of a Photovoltaic System Through IoT
T Meenakshi, R Ramani, A Karthikeyan, NS Vanitha, S Murugan
2023 International Conference on Sustainable Communication Networks and …, 2023
Intelligent fuzzy MPPT controller using analysis of DC to DC novel buck converter for photovoltaic energy system applications
R Arulmurugan, NS Vanitha
2013 International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Informatics and Mobile …, 2013
Automatic Rationing System Using Embedded System Technology
N Suthanthira Vanitha,Sukhumar, Gopinathan, Kalpanadevi
International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics …, 2013
Electric Vehicle Battery Charging in Grid System using Fuzzy based Bidirectional Converter
A Karthikeyan, NS Vanitha, T Meenakshi, R Ramani, S Murugan
2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry …, 2023
Identification of Open-Switch and Short-Switch Failure of Multilevel Inverters through DWT and ANN Approach using LabVIEW
E.Parimalarsundar, N.Suthanthiravanitha
Journal of Electrical Engineering Technology 10, 1921-718, 2015
Breast Cancer Detection in Mammograms based on Clustering Techniques- A Survey
N.Suthanthira vanitha, T.Ramani
International Journal of Computer Applications 57 (8 Impact Factor: 0.8), 2013
Automatic Intravenous Fluid Level Indication System for Hospitals
R.Priyadharshini, S.Mithuna, U.Vasanth Kumar, S.Kalpanadevi ,N.Suthanthira ...
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering …, 2015
Improved Fractional Order VSS Inc-Cond MPPT algorithm for Photovoltaic Scheme
N.Suthanthira vanitha,R.Arulmurugan
International Journal of Photoenergy, Article ID 128327, 10, 2014
Computer A ided Detection of Tumours in Mammograms
N.Suthanthira vanitha, T.Ramani
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing (IJIGSP) 6 (4 …, 2014
Maximum power tracking for PV generating system using novel optimized fractional order open circuit voltage-FOINC method
N.Suthanthira vanitha,R.Arulmurugan
Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2014 International …, 2014
Rescue child from Bore well using embedded system
S Gopinath, T Devika, L Manivannan, NS Vanitha
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2 (03 …, 2015
Embedded Based Real-time Patient Monitoring System
P.Karthick, M.Jagadeesh Raja , N.Suthanthira Vanitha
International Journal of VLSI and Embedded Systems-IJVES 5 (Article 02231), 2014
Investigation of N–S-based graphene quantum dot on sodium alginate with ammonium thiocyanate (NH4SCN) biopolymer electrolyte for the application of …
N Vanitha, C Shanmugapriya, S Selvasekarapandian, MV Krishna, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 33 (18), 14847-14867, 2022
Wide-area measurement systems and phasor measurement units
M Maheswari, N Suthanthira Vanitha, N Loganathan
Wide Area power systems stability, protection, and security, 105-126, 2021
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