Trần Thiên Thanh
Trần Thiên Thanh
Assoc. Dean of Faculty of Information Technology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Viet Nam
在 ut.edu.vn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Survey on aerial radio access networks: Toward a comprehensive 6G access infrastructure
NN Dao, QV Pham, NH Tu, TT Thanh, VNQ Bao, DS Lakew, S Cho
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (2), 1193-1225, 2021
Spectrum sharing-based multi-hop decode-and-forward relay networks under interference constraints: Performance analysis and relay position optimization
VNQ Bao, TT Thanh, TD Nguyen, TD Vu
Journal of Communications and Networks 15 (3), 266-275, 2013
A contemporary survey on live video streaming from a computation-driven perspective
NN Dao, AT Tran, NH Tu, TT Thanh, VNQ Bao, S Cho
ACM Computing Surveys 54 (10s), 1-38, 2022
On the design of energy efficient environment monitoring station and data collection network based on ubiquitous wireless sensor networks
TD Nguyen, TT Thanh, LL Nguyen, HT Huynh
The 2015 IEEE RIVF International Conference on Computing & Communication …, 2015
Performance analysis of spectrum sharing-based multi-hop decode-and-forward relay networks under interference constraints
TT Tran, VNQ Bao, VD Thanh, TD Nguyen
2012 Fourth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE …, 2012
Neglected infrastructures for 6G—Underwater communications: How mature are they?
NN Dao, NH Tu, TT Thanh, VNQ Bao, W Na, S Cho
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 213, 103595, 2023
Performance analysis of decode-and-forward relaying for multi-hop Alamouti transmission over Rayleigh fading channels
NTB Tam, T Tran-Thien, T Do-Hong, VNQ Bao
The 2010 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for …, 2010
Performance analysis and optimal relay position of cognitive spectrum-sharing dual-hop decode-and-forward networks
TT Tran, VNQ Bao, VD Thanh, TQ Duong
2013 International conference on computing, management and …, 2013
Performance analysis of TAS/SC-based MIMO decode-and-forward relaying for multi-hop transmission over Rayleigh fading channels
VNQ Bao, BPL Phuong, TT Thanh
2012 Fourth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE …, 2012
Performance analysis of partial relay selection networks with short packet communications
VNQ Bao, TT Thanh
2019 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), 23-26, 2019
Wirelessly energy harvesting DF dual-hop relaying networks: optimal time splitting ratio and performance analysis
TT Thanh, VNQ Bao
Journal of Science and Technology: Issue on Information and Communications …, 2017
Outage probability of selection relaying networks with distributed switch and stay combining over Rayleigh fading channels
T Tran-Thien, T Do-Hong, VNQ Bao
International Conference on Communications and Electronics 2010, 61-64, 2010
Performance Analysis of Adaptive Modulation for Distributed Switch-and-Stay Combining with Single Relay
VNQ Bao, TT Thanh, T Do-Hong
REV Journal on Electronics and Communications 1 (1), 2011
Mạng Chuyển Tiếp Đa Chặng Dạng Nền Trong Truyền Thông Gói Tin Ngắn: Đánh Giá Tỷ Lệ Lỗi Khối: Array
VNQ Bảo, TT Thanh
Journal of Science and Technology on Information and Communications 1 (4B …, 2020
Adaptive modulation for distributed switch-and-stay combining with single relay
T Tran-Thien, T Do-Hong, NQB Vo
The 2010 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for …, 2010
Enhancing Performance of Full-Duplex Cooperative NOMA Systems via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
MS Van Nguyen, TT Thanh, VNQ Bao
2024 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications …, 2024
Outage Probability of Downlink NOMA Energy Harvesting for Multiple Users over Rayleigh Fading Channels: Array
TT Thanh
Journal of Science and Technology on Information and Communications 1 (2), 4-10, 2021
Security-Reliability Analysis of Cognitive Radio Network using Harvest-to-Jam Protocol with Primary Co-Channel Interference
PM Quang, TT Duy, TT Thanh
2018 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications …, 2018
Phân tích xác suất dừng hệ thống chuyển tiếp hai chiều sử dụng công nghệ thu thập năng lượng: Array
NA Tuan, TT Thanh, VNQQ Bao
Journal of Science and Technology on Information and Communications 1 (1-2 …, 2018
Đánh Giá Hệ Thống Chuyển Tiếp Gia Tăng Thu Thập Năng Lượng Vô Tuyến Trong Điều Kiện Có Và Không Có Máy Phát Năng Lượng Cố Định: Array
TT Thanh, VNQQ Bảo
Journal of Science and Technology on Information and Communications 1 (4), 9-15, 2018
文章 1–20