R. Michael Buehrer
R. Michael Buehrer
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Handbook of position location: theory, practice, and advances
R Zekavat, RM Buehrer
John Wiley & Sons, 2019
Introduction to ultra wideband communication systems, an
WHT J.H. Reed, CR Anderson, A. Annamalai, N. J. August, RM Buehrer, W.A ...
Prentice Hall Press, 2005
Wireless communications: past events and a future perspective
TS Rappaport, A Annamalai, RM Buehrer, WH Tranter
IEEE communications Magazine 40 (5), 148-161, 2002
Cooperative received signal strength-based sensor localization with unknown transmit powers
RM Vaghefi, MR Gholami, RM Buehrer, EG Strom
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (6), 1389-1403, 2012
Collaborative sensor network localization: Algorithms and practical issues
RM Buehrer, H Wymeersch, RM Vaghefi
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (6), 1089-1114, 2018
NLOS mitigation using linear programming in ultrawideband location-aware networks
S Venkatesh, RM Buehrer
IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology 56 (5), 3182-3198, 2007
Implementation and analysis of respiration-rate estimation using impulse-based UWB
S Venkatesh, CR Anderson, NV Rivera, RM Buehrer
MILCOM 2005-2005 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 3314-3320, 2005
Non-line-of-sight identification in ultra-wideband systems based on received signal statistics
S Venkatesh, RM Buehrer
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 1 (6), 1120-1130, 2007
Outage probability based comparison of underlay and overlay spectrum sharing techniques
R Menon, RM Buehrer, JH Reed
First IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2005
A simulation comparison of multiuser receivers for cellular CDMA
RM Buehrer, NS Correal-Mendoza, BD Woerner
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 49 (4), 1065-1085, 2000
A DSP-based DS-CDMA multiuser receiver employing partial parallel interference cancellation
NS Correal, RM Buehrer, BD Woerner
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 17 (4), 613-630, 1999
Evaluating adversarial evasion attacks in the context of wireless communications
B Flowers, RM Buehrer, WC Headley
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, 1102-1113, 2019
Cognitive radio and networking research at Virginia Tech
AB MacKenzie, JH Reed, P Athanas, CW Bostian, RM Buehrer, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 97 (4), 660-688, 2009
Learning distributed caching strategies in small cell networks
A Sengupta, SD Amuru, R Tandon, RM Buehrer, TC Clancy
2014 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS …, 2014
Analysis of adaptive multistage interference cancellation for CDMA using an improved Gaussian approximation
RM Buehrer, BD Woerner
IEEE Transactions on Communications 44 (10), 1308-1321, 1996
A linear programming approach to NLOS error mitigation in sensor networks
S Venkatesh, RM Buehrer
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Information processing in …, 2006
A communications jamming taxonomy
M Lichtman, JD Poston, SD Amuru, C Shahriar, TC Clancy, RM Buehrer, ...
IEEE Security & Privacy 14 (1), 47-54, 2016
Cooperative localization in NLOS environments using semidefinite programming
RM Vaghefi, RM Buehrer
IEEE Communications Letters 19 (8), 1382-1385, 2015
Game theoretic analysis of a network of cognitive radios
J Neel, RM Buehrer, BH Reed, RP Gilles
The 2002 45th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2002. MWSCAS-2002 …, 2002
Deep reinforcement learning control for radar detection and tracking in congested spectral environments
CE Thornton, MA Kozy, RM Buehrer, AF Martone, KD Sherbondy
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 6 (4), 1335-1349, 2020
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