Hanibal Lemma
Identifying erosion hotspots in Lake Tana Basin from a multisite Soil and Water Assessment Tool validation: Opportunity for land managers
H Lemma, A Frankl, A van Griensven, J Poesen, E Adgo, J Nyssen
Land Degradation & Development 30 (12), 1449-1467, 2019
Revisiting lake sediment budgets: How the calculation of lake lifetime is strongly data and method dependent
H Lemma, T Admasu, M Dessie, D Fentie, J Deckers, A Frankl, J Poesen, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (3), 593-607, 2018
Susceptibility to gully erosion: applying random forest (RF) and frequency ratio (FR) approaches to a small catchment in Ethiopia
S Amare, E Langendoen, S Keesstra, M Ploeg, H Gelagay, H Lemma, ...
Water 13 (2), 216, 2021
Consolidated sediment budget of Lake Tana, Ethiopia (2012–2016)
H Lemma, A Frankl, M Dessie, J Poesen, E Adgo, J Nyssen
Geomorphology 371, 107434, 2020
The marketing of race in cultural production
A Saha
The Routledge companion to the cultural industries, 512-521, 2015
Bedload transport measurements in the Gilgel Abay River, Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia
H Lemma, J Nyssen, A Frankl, J Poesen, E Adgo, P Billi
Journal of Hydrology 577, 123968, 2019
Curve number calibration for measuring impacts of land management in sub-humid Ethiopia
H Assaye, J Nyssen, J Poesen, H Lemma, DT Meshesha, A Wassie, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 35, 100819, 2021
Event‐based run‐off and sediment yield dynamics and controls in the subhumid headwaters of the Blue Nile, Ethiopia
H Assaye, J Nyssen, J Poesen, H Lemma, DT Meshesha, A Wassie, ...
Land Degradation & Development 33 (4), 565-580, 2022
Susceptibility to gully erosion: Applying random forest (RF) and frequency ratio (FR) approaches to a small catchment in Ethiopia. Water 13 (2), 216
S Amare, E Langendoen, S Keesstra, MVD Ploeg, H Gelagay, H Lemma, ...
Analytical documentation of traditional practices and farmer innovations in agricultural water management in two traditional irrigation schemes in North-west Ethiopia
H Lemma, H Yesigat, T Jember
ISDA 2010, 10 p., 2010
Recent dynamics in sediment connectivity in the Ethiopian Highlands
AJD Astuti, S Dondeyne, H Lemma, J Nyssen, S Annys, A Frankl
Regional Environmental Change 24 (3), 109, 2024
Climate change impact assessment on water resources of Gumara watershed, upper Blue Nile River basin
L Hanibal, D Solomon
International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research 1 (5), 142-149, 2013
Classifying land cover from an object-oriented approach-applied to LANDSAT 8 at the regional scale of the Lake Tana Basin (Ethiopia)
H Lemma, A Frankl, J Poesen, E Adgo, J Nyssen
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 3526, 2017
Event-based runoff and sediment yield dynamics and controls in the sub-humid headwaters of the Blue Nile, Ethiopia
HA Deffersha, J Nyssen, J Poesen, H Lemma, D Meshesha, A Wassie, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2021
Sediment budget including the role of floodplains: the case of Lake Tana Basin (Ethiopia)
H Lemma, T Admasu, M Dessie, D Fentie, J Poesen, S Lanckriet, E Adgo, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-4751, 2016
Sediment budget including the role of floodplains: the case of Lake Tana Basin
H Lemma, T Admasu, M Dessie, D Fentie, J Poesen, S Lanckriet, E Adgo, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 18, 2016
Fingerprinting sediment sources using fallout radionuclides demonstrates that subsoil provides the major source of sediment in sub-humid Ethiopia
T Abere, O Evrard, T Chalaux-Clergue, E Adgo, H Lemma, E Verleyen, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments, 1-14, 2025
Effects of Deficit Irrigation and Mulching on the Water Footprint of Maize Production in the Koga Irrigation Scheme, Ethiopia
E Wondifraw, T Alamirew, A Abera, A Abate, H Lemma
Land and Water Degradation in Ethiopia: Climate and Land Use Change …, 2024
Impact of reservoir construction on the sediment budget of a downstream-linked freshwater lake
H Lemma, J Nyssen, J Poesen, H Assaye, E Adgo, A Frankl
Hydrological Sciences Journal 69 (7), 833-843, 2024
Assessing catchment connectivity dynamics in the Gumara and Rib catchments of the Ethiopian Highland
AJD Astuti, S Annys, H Lemma, J Nyssen, S Dondeyne, A Frankl
Multidisciplinary Workshop Green Transition & Biodiversity, 15-15, 2023
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