M.A Alirezapouri
M.A Alirezapouri
在 mut.ac.ir 的电子邮件经过验证
Optimal design strategy for fuel cell-based hybrid power system of all-electric ships
M Ganjian, HB Farahabadi, MA Alirezapouri, MR Firuzjaei
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 50, 1558-1571, 2024
A modified ZF algorithm for signal detection in an underwater MIMO STBC-OFDM acoustic communication system
M Akhondi, MA Alirezapouri
Annals of Telecommunications 78 (7), 491-507, 2023
Set value‐based dynamic model development for non‐linear manoeuvring target tracking problem in the presence of unknown but bounded disturbances
MA Alirezapouri, H Khaloozadeh, A Vali, MR Arvan
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 12 (2), 186-194, 2018
Unknown but bounded based input estimation method for maneuvering target tracking problem
MA Alirezapouri, H Khaloozadeh, AR Vali, MR Arvan
2017 Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 847-852, 2017
Set value observer performance improvement with optimizing the free parameter in the MTT problem
MA Alirezapouri, H Khaloozadeh, AR Vali, MR Aryan
2017 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 1892-1897, 2017
Using The qEKF Algorithm for Satellite Attitude Estimation with Two Magnetometer & Sun Sensors
A Saeidi, N Rahbar, MA Alirezapouri
Journal of Space Science and Technology 14 (3), 65-73, 2021
Exogenous input and state estimation for a class of nonlinear dynamic systems in the presence of the unknown but bounded disturbances
MA Alirezapouri, AR Vali, H Khaloozadeh, MR Arvan
International Journal of Dynamics and Control 7 (1), 226-240, 2019
Fuel Cell-Based Hybrid Ship Design
M Ganjian, MA Alirezapouri, H Bagherian Farahabadi
Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics 14 (2), 15-29, 2024
A new method for data transmission in shallow water channel based on offset multi-carrier filter bank
F Samsami Khodadad, M Ehteshamfar, F Nazari, M Alirezapouri
Electronic and Cyber Defense 11 (3), 25-34, 2023
Improved Complementary Filters for Estimation of Heading and Attitude Angles in Accelerated Motion
A Namvar, MM Dehghan, H Nourmohammadi, M Alirezapouri
Aerospace Mechanics 19 (2), 131-143, 2023
Multi-Layer DC/DC Converter for Fuel Cell-Based Air Independent Propulsion System
R Youneszadeh, MA Alirezapouri, FM Rezaei, FH Bagherian, A Pahnabi
Automotive Science and Engineering 13 (1), 4036-4040, 2023
Tilt estimation using pressure sensors for unmanned underwater vehicle navigation
M Amuei, SMM Dehghan, H Nourmohammadi, MA AlirezaPouri
AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation 54 (2), 161-172, 2022
Usage of Turbo Coding to Improve the Performance of Underwater Telecommunication Systems Based on Adaptive OFDM Modulation
M Eshaghi Kenari, F Nazari, F Samsami Khodadad, M Alirezapouri
Journal of Advanced Defense Science & Technology 13 (3), 167-176, 2022
Pulse Delay Compensation for High Velocity Moving Vehicle Accurate Localization in Low Frequency Positioning System
SMM Dehghan, SAA Shahidian, E Yavari, MA Alirezapouri, M Amuei
AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation 54 (1), 105-116, 2022
Transfer Alignment Configuration Based on Angular Velocity and Angular Velocity Integral Applied to Marine Vehicles
M Amuei, SMM Dehghan, H Nourmohammadi, MA AlirezaPouri
AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation 54 (1), 31-44, 2022
استفاده از رمزگذاری توربو برای بهبود عملکرد سامانه های مخابراتی زیرسطحی بر پایه مدولاسیون تطبیقی OFDM
اسحاقی کناری محمد, نظری فخرالدین, صمصامی خداداد فرید, ...
علوم و فناوری های پدافند نوین 13 (349), 167-176, 2022
تحلیل خطای میانگین دیجیتال خطی پالس های دریافتی در گیرنده متحرک سریع در سیستم ناوبری رادیویی برد بلند
شهیدیان سیدعلی اصغر, دهقان سیدمحمدمهدی, یاوری احیاء, علیرضاپوری محمدعلی
صنایع الکترونیک 12 (1002047), 5-16, 2021
ردیابی اهداف هوایی مانوردار با استفاده از فیلتر ذره ای تکاملی
مشرقیان الهام, عاروان محمدرضا, نصرالهی سعید, علیرضاپوری محمدعلی
صنایع الکترونیک 10 (4), 47-58, 2020
Adaptive Control Scheme for Dual Drive Electro Servo-Hydraulic System Based on Self-Recurrent Wavelet Neural Network
M Alirezapouri, A Vali
ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES 11 (2002048), 79-87, 2020
Modified UBB-based input estimation method for nonlinear manoeuvring target tracking problem
MA Alirezapouri, H Khaloozadeh, AR Vali, MR Arvan
International Journal of Systems Science 49 (10), 2089-2100, 2018
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