Olav Bjarte Fosso
Olav Bjarte Fosso
Professor of Electric Power Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
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A Virtual Synchronous Machine implementation for distributed control of power converters in SmartGrids
S D’Arco, JA Suul, OB Fosso
Electric Power Systems Research 122, 180-197, 2015
Generation scheduling in a deregulated system. The Norwegian case
OB Fosso, A Gjelsvik, A Haugstad, B Mo, I Wangensteen
IEEE Transactions on power systems 14 (1), 75-81, 1999
Automatic tuning of cascaded controllers for power converters using eigenvalue parametric sensitivities
S D'Arco, JA Suul, OB Fosso
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (2), 1743-1753, 2014
A classification of DC node voltage control methods for HVDC grids
TK Vrana, J Beerten, R Belmans, OB Fosso
Electric power systems research 103, 137-144, 2013
Control system tuning and stability analysis of virtual synchronous machines
S D'Arco, JA Suul, OB Fosso
2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2664-2671, 2013
Small-signal modeling and parametric sensitivity of a virtual synchronous machine in islanded operation
S D’Arco, JA Suul, OB Fosso
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 72, 3-15, 2015
Small-signal modelling and parametric sensitivity of a virtual synchronous machine
S D'Arco, JA Suul, OB Fosso
2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, 1-9, 2014
Short-term hydro scheduling in a liberalized power system
OB Fosso, MM Belsnes
2004 International Conference on Power System Technology, 2004. PowerCon …, 2004
An overview on formulations and optimization methods for the unit-based short-term hydro scheduling problem
J Kong, HI Skjelbred, OB Fosso
Electric power systems research 178, 106027, 2020
Short-term and Medium-term Generation Scheduling in the Norwegian Hydro System under a Competitive Power Market Structure
N Flatabø, A Haugstad, M Birger, OB Fosso
VIII SEPOPE, Brazilia, 2002, 2002
A method for calculation of margins to voltage instability applied on the Norwegian system for maintaining required security level
N Flatabo, OB Fosso, R Ognedal, T Carlsen, KR Heggland
IEEE transactions on power systems 8 (3), 920-928, 1993
Stochastic optimization of microgrid operation with renewable generation and energy storages
P Aaslid, M Korpås, MM Belsnes, OB Fosso
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 13 (3), 1481-1491, 2022
Simplified models of a single-phase power electronic inverter for railway power system stability analysis—Development and evaluation
S Danielsen, OB Fosso, M Molinas, JA Suul, T Toftevaag
Electric Power Systems Research 80 (2), 204-214, 2010
Dynamic incorporation of nonlinearity into MILP formulation for short-term hydro scheduling
HI Skjelbred, J Kong, OB Fosso
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 116, 105530, 2020
An Input-Voltage-Sharing Control Strategy of Input-Series-Output-Parallel Isolated Bidirectional DC/DC Converter for DC Distribution Network
Y Wang, Y Guan, OB Fosso, M Molinas, SZ Chen, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (2), 1592-1604, 2021
A European Supergrid: Present State and Future Challenges
S Cole, TK Vrana, JB Curis, CC Liu, K Karoui, OB Fosso, AM Denis
17th Power Systems Computation Conference 2011 (PSCC 2011 STOCKHOLM), 51-57, 2012
Constant power load characteristic’s influence on the low-frequency interaction between advanced electrical rail vehicle and railway traction power supply with rotary converters
S Danielsen, M Molinas, T Toftevaag, OB Fosso
Modern electric traction 2009, 1-6, 2009
Technical aspects of the North Sea super grid
TK Vrana, OB Fosso
CIGRE Electra, November, 2011
Optimal short term hydro scheduling including security constraints
A Johannesen, A Gjelsvik, OB Fosso, N Flatabo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 6 (2), 576-583, 1991
Small-signal stability study of the Cigré DC grid test system with analysis of participation factors and parameter sensitivity of oscillatory modes
MK Zadeh, M Amin, JA Suul, M Molinas, OB Fosso
2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, 1-8, 2014
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