Bradley J Roth
Bradley J Roth
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Optimal focal transcranial magnetic activation of the human motor cortex: effects of coil orientation, shape of the induced current pulse, and stimulus intensity.
JP Brasil-Neto, LG Cohen, M Panizza, J Nilsson, BJ Roth, M Hallett
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 9 (1), 132-136, 1992
Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology
RK Hobbie, BJ Roth
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
A model of the stimulation of a nerve fiber by electromagnetic induction
BJ Roth, PJ Basser
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 37 (6), 588-597, 1990
Effects of coil design on delivery of focal magnetic stimulation. Technical considerations
LG Cohen, BJ Roth, J Nilsson, N Dang, M Panizza, S Bandinelli, W Friauf, ...
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 75 (4), 350-357, 1990
Using a magnetometer to image a two‐dimensional current distribution
BJ Roth, NG Sepulveda, JP Wikswo Jr
Journal of Applied Physics 65 (1), 361-372, 1989
Current injection into a two-dimensional anisotropic bidomain
NG Sepulveda, BJ Roth, JP Wikswo
Biophysical Journal 55 (5), 987-999, 1989
A theoretical calculation of the electric field induced in the cortex during magnetic stimulation
BJ Roth, JM Saypol, M Hallett, LG Cohen
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials …, 1991
New currents in electrical stimulation of excitable tissues
PJ Basser, BJ Roth
Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 2 (1), 377-397, 2000
Mechanisms for electrical stimulation of excitable tissue.
BJ Roth
Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 22 (3-4), 253-305, 1994
Electrical conductivity values used with the bidomain model of cardiac tissue
BJ Roth
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 44 (4), 326-328, 1997
A mathematical model of make and break electrical stimulation of cardiac tissue by a unipolar anode or cathode
BJ Roth
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 42 (12), 1174-1184, 1995
Stimulation of a myelinated nerve axon by electromagnetic induction
PJ Basser, BJ Roth
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 29 (3), 261-268, 1991
Action potential propagation in a thick strand of cardiac muscle.
BJ Roth
Circulation Research 68 (1), 162-173, 1991
Virtual electrodes and deexcitation: new insights into fibrillation induction and defibrillation
IR Efimov, RA Gray, BJ Roth
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 11 (3), 339-353, 2000
How well does a three-sphere model predict positions of dipoles in a realistically shaped head?
BJ Roth, M Balish, A Gorbach, S Sato
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 87 (4), 175-184, 1993
Experimental and theoretical analysis of phase singularity dynamics in cardiac tissue
MA Bray, SF Lin, RR Aliev, BJ Roth, JP Wikswo
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 12 (6), 716-722, 2001
Relevance of stimulus duration for activation of motor and sensory fibers: implications for the study of H-reflexes and magnetic stimulation
M Panizza, J Nilsson, BJ Roth, PJ Basser, M Hallett
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials …, 1992
The electric field induced during magnetic stimulation
BJ Roth, LG Cohen, M Hallett
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Supplement 43, 268-278, 1991
The magnetic field of a single axon: A comparison of theory and experiment.
BJ Roth, JP Wikswo Jr
Biophysical Journal 48 (1), 93-109, 1985
A theoretical calculation of the electric field induced by magnetic stimulation of a peripheral nerve
BJ Roth, LG Cohen, M Hallett, W Friauf, PJ Basser
Muscle & Nerve 13 (8), 734-741, 1990
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