Naser Ahmed
Naser Ahmed
PhD student in Transportation and GIS, University of Western Ontario, Canada
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Assessing Spatial Flood Vulnerability at Kalapara Upazila in Bangladesh Using an Analytic Hierarchy Process
MAA Hoque, S Tasfia, N Ahmed, B Pradhan
Sensors 19 (6), 1302, 2019
Assessing drought vulnerability using geospatial techniques in northwestern part of Bangladesh
MAA Hoque, B Pradhan, N Ahmed
Science of the Total Environment 705, 135957, 2020
Tropical cyclone risk assessment using geospatial techniques for the eastern coastal region of Bangladesh
MAA Hoque, B Pradhan, N Ahmed, S Roy
Science of the Total Environment 692, 10-22, 2019
Assessment of coastal vulnerability to multi-hazardous events using geospatial techniques along the eastern coast of Bangladesh
MAA Hoque, N Ahmed, B Pradhan, S Roy
Ocean & Coastal Management 181, 104898, 2019
Agricultural drought risk assessment of Northern New South Wales, Australia using geospatial techniques
MAA Hoque, B Pradhan, N Ahmed, MSI Sohel
Science of the Total Environment 756, 143600, 2021
Coastal erosion vulnerability assessment along the eastern coast of Bangladesh using geospatial techniques
N Ahmed, N Howlader, MAA Hoque, B Pradhan
Ocean & Coastal Management 199, 105408, 2021
Cyclone vulnerability assessment of the western coast of Bangladesh
MAA Hoque, B Pradhan, N Ahmed, B Ahmed, AM Alamri
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 12 (1), 198-221, 2021
Coastal vulnerability assessment of Meghna estuary of Bangladesh using integrated geospatial techniques
R Mahmood, N Ahmed, L Zhang, G Li
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 42, 101374, 2020
Spatio-temporal assessment of groundwater potential zone in the drought-prone area of Bangladesh using GIS-based bivariate models
N Ahmed, MAA Hoque, B Pradhan, A Arabameri
Natural Resources Research 30 (5), 3315-3337, 2021
Flood susceptibility mapping in Brahmaputra floodplain of Bangladesh using deep boost, deep learning neural network, and artificial neural network
N Ahmed, MAA Hoque, A Arabameri, SC Pal, R Chakrabortty, J Jui
Geocarto International 37 (25), 8770-8791, 2022
Flood risk assessment: role of mitigation capacity in spatial flood risk mapping
N Ahmed, MAA Hoque, N Howlader, B Pradhan
Geocarto International 37 (25), 8394-8416, 2022
Drought vulnerability assessment using geospatial techniques in southern Queensland, Australia
M Hoque, B Pradhan, N Ahmed, A Alamri
Sensors 21 (20), 6896, 2021
Coastal erosion risk assessment in the dynamic estuary: The Meghna estuary case of Bangladesh coast
S Roy, S Pandit, M Papia, MM Rahman, JCOR Ocampo, MA Razi, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 61, 102364, 2021
Analysis of erosion–accretion dynamics of major rivers of world’s largest mangrove forest using geospatial techniques
MSI Sohel, SK Hore, MA Salam, MA Hoque, N Ahmed, MM Rahman, ...
Regional Studies in Marine Science 46, 101901, 2021
Identifying urban green space deserts by considering different walking distance thresholds for healthy and socially equitable city planning in the Global South
N Ahmed, J Lee, D Liu, Z Kan, J Wang
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 89, 128123, 2023
Site suitability analysis for the construction of water reservoirs in drought‐prone areas of Bangladesh using geospatial techniques
MA Hoque, MSI Sohel, MM Rahman, N Ahmed
World Water Policy 8 (1), 65-85, 2022
The cost of climate change: A generalized cost function approach for incorporating extreme weather exposure into public transit accessibility
N Ahmed, J Lee, L Liu, J Kim, KM Jang, J Wang
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 112, 102145, 2024
Predicting urban flooding susceptibility of public transit systems using machine learning approaches: A case study of the largest city in Canada
N Ahmed, J Lee
Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances in …, 2021
Understanding inequalities in geographic accessibility to emergency cyclone shelters in Bangladesh under climate change
N Ahmed, J Jui, D Liu, K Kim, J Kim, J Lee
Journal of Transport Geography 123, 104134, 2025
Predicting the susceptibility of urban transportation systems against flooding events using machine learning approaches
N Ahmed, J Lee
AAG Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, 2021
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