Aingeru Mayor
An open-source shallow-transfer machine translation engine for the Romance languages of Spain
AM Corbí-Bellot, ML Forcada, S Ortiz-Rojas, JA Pérez-Ortiz, ...
Proceedings of the 10th EAMT conference: practical applications of machine …, 2005
Matxin, an open-source rule-based machine translation system for Basque
A Mayor, I Alegria, A Díaz de Ilarraza, G Labaka, M Lersundi, K Sarasola
Machine translation 25, 53-82, 2011
TXALA un analizador libre de dependencias para el castellano
J Atserias Batalla, E Comelles Pujadas, A Mayor Martínez
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, nº 35 (sept. 2005); pp. 455-456, 2005
Transfer-based MT from Spanish into Basque: reusability, standardization and open source
I Alegria, A Diaz de Ilarraza, G Labaka, M Lersundi, A Mayor, K Sarasola
International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational …, 2007
An open architecture for transfer-based machine translation between Spanish and Basque
II Alegria, AD de Ilarraza, GG Labaka, MM Lersundi, AA Mayor, ...
Proceedings of the MT Summit X Workshop. Workshop on Open-Source Machine …, 2005
Reciprocal enrichment between basque wikipedia and machine translation
I Alegria, U Cabezon, UF de Betono, G Labaka, A Mayor, K Sarasola, ...
The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Language Resources …, 2013
Matxin: Erregeletan oinarritutako itzulpen automatikoko sistema baten eraikuntza estaldura handiko baliabide linguistikoak berrerabiliz
A Mayor
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Donostiako Informatika Fakultatea, 2007
Evaluación de un sistema de traducción automática basado en reglas o por qué BLEU sólo sirve para lo que sirve
A Mayor, I Alegria, AD de Ilarraza, G Labaka, M Lersundi, K Sarasola
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 197-205, 2009
Use of rich linguistic information to translate prepositions and grammar cases to Basque
E Agirre, A Atutxa, G Labaka, M Lersundi, A Mayor, K Sarasola
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2009
Tránsitos: comprender la transexualidad infantil y juvenil a través de los relatos de madres y padres
A Mayor
Bellaterra, 2020
Reusability of wide-coverage linguistic resources in the construction of a multilingual machine translation system
AD de Ilarraza, A Mayor, K Sarasola
An FST grammar for verb chain transfer in a Spanish-Basque MT System
I Alegria, AD de Ilarraza, G Labaka, M Lersundi, A Mayor, K Sarasola
Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing: 5th International …, 2006
Avances en la comprensión y el acompañamiento de la transexualidad infantil
A Mayor
Editorial Akadia, 2018
Semiautomatic labelling of semantic features
AD de Ilarraza, A Mayor, K Sarasola
COLING 2002: The 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2002
Mixing Approaches to MT for Basque: Selecting the best output from RBMT, EBMT and SMT
I Alegria, A Casillas, AD de Ilarraza, J Igartua, G Labaka, M Lersundi, ...
Proceedings of the MATMT2008 Workshop: Mixing Approaches to Machine …, 2008
Acompañar la transexualidad desde la escuela: un estudio cualitativo con las familias
L González-Mendiondo, N Moyano, A Mayor
Revista de Psicodidáctica 29 (1), 78-85, 2024
Matxin: Moving towards language independence
A Mayor, F Tyers
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Free/Open-Source Rule …, 2009
Strategies for sustainable MT for Basque: incremental design, reusability, standardization and open-source
I Alegría, X Arregi, X Artola, AD de Ilarraza, G Labaka, M Lersundi, ...
Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages, 2008
Spanish-to-Basque MultiEngine machine translation for a restricted domain
I Alegria, A Casillas, AD de Ilarraza, J Igartua, G Labaka, M Lersundi, ...
Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation …, 2008
Matxin: erregeletan oinarritutako itzulpen automatikoko sistema
A Mayor
Ph. Thesis. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2007
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