Rohit Chikkaraddy
Rohit Chikkaraddy
Assistant Professor, University of Birmingham, UK
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Single-molecule strong coupling at room temperature in plasmonic nanocavities
R Chikkaraddy, B de Nijs, F Benz, SJ Barrow, OA Scherman, E Rosta, ...
Nature 535, 127-130, 2016
Single-molecule optomechanics in “picocavities”
F Benz, MK Schmidt, A Dreismann, R Chikkaraddy, Y Zhang, ...
Science 354 (6313), 726-729, 2016
Strong-coupling of WSe2 in ultra-compact plasmonic nanocavities at room temperature
ME Kleemann, R Chikkaraddy, EM Alexeev, D Kos, C Carnegie, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1296, 2017
SERS of individual nanoparticles on a mirror: size does matter, but so does shape
F Benz, R Chikkaraddy, A Salmon, H Ohadi, B De Nijs, J Mertens, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (12), 2264-2269, 2016
Suppressed Quenching and Strong-Coupling of Purcell-Enhanced Single-Molecule Emission in Plasmonic Nanocavities
N Kongsuwan, A Demetriadou, R Chikkaraddy, F Benz, V Turek, ...
ACS Photonics 5 (1), 186–191, 2018
How light is emitted by plasmonic metals
J Mertens, ME Kleemann, R Chikkaraddy, P Narang, JJ Baumberg
Nano letters 17 (4), 2568-2574, 2017
Mapping nanoscale hotspots with single-molecule emitters assembled into plasmonic nanocavities using DNA origami
R Chikkaraddy, VA Turek, N Kongsuwan, F Benz, C Carnegie, ...
Nano letters 18 (1), 405-411, 2018
Quantum electrodynamics at room temperature coupling a single vibrating molecule with a plasmonic nanocavity
OS Ojambati, R Chikkaraddy, WD Deacon, M Horton, D Kos, VA Turek, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1049, 2019
Plasmofluidic single-molecule surface-enhanced Raman scattering from dynamic assembly of plasmonic nanoparticles
PP Patra, R Chikkaraddy, RPN Tripathi, A Dasgupta, GVP Kumar
Nature communications 5, 4357, 2014
How ultranarrow gap symmetries control plasmonic nanocavity modes: from cubes to spheres in the nanoparticle-on-mirror
R Chikkaraddy, X Zheng, F Benz, LJ Brooks, B De Nijs, C Carnegie, ...
ACS Photonics 4 (3), 469-475, 2017
Plasmonic tunnel junctions for single-molecule redox chemistry
B Nijs, F Benz, SJ Barrow, DO Sigle, R Chikkaraddy, A Palma, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 994, 2017
Room-Temperature Optical Picocavities below 1 nm3 Accessing Single-Atom Geometries
C Carnegie, J Griffiths, B De Nijs, C Readman, R Chikkaraddy, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 (24), 7146-7151, 2018
Detecting mid-infrared light by molecular frequency upconversion in dual-wavelength nanoantennas
A Xomalis, X Zheng, R Chikkaraddy, Z Koczor-Benda, E Miele, E Rosta, ...
Science 374 (6572), 1268-1271, 2021
Generalized circuit model for coupled plasmonic systems
F Benz, B de Nijs, C Tserkezis, R Chikkaraddy, DO Sigle, L Pukenas, ...
Optics Express 23 (26), 33255-33269, 2015
Plasmonic nanocavity modes: From near-field to far-field radiation
N Kongsuwan, A Demetriadou, M Horton, R Chikkaraddy, JJ Baumberg, ...
ACS Photonics 7 (2), 463-471, 2020
Thermo‐responsive actuation of a DNA origami flexor
VA Turek, R Chikkaraddy, S Cormier, B Stockham, T Ding, UF Keyser, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (25), 1706410, 2018
Unfolding the contents of sub-nm plasmonic gaps using normalising plasmon resonance spectroscopy
B de Nijs, R Bowman, LO Herrmann, F Benz, SJ Barrow, DO Sigle, ...
Faraday Discussions, 2015
Anomalous spectral shift of near-and far-field plasmonic resonances in nanogaps
A Lombardi, A Demetriadou, L Weller, P Andrae, F Benz, R Chikkaraddy, ...
ACS photonics 3 (3), 471-477, 2016
Microcavity-like exciton-polaritons can be the primary photoexcitation in bare organic semiconductors
R Pandya, R Chen, Q Gu, J Sung, C Schnedermann, OS Ojambati, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1-11, 2021
Eliminating irreproducibility in SERS substrates
DB Grys, R Chikkaraddy, M Kamp, OA Scherman, JJ Baumberg, B de Nijs
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 52 (2), 412-419, 2021
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