ibrahim alsaidan
ibrahim alsaidan
Assistant Professor
在 qu.edu.sa 的电子邮件经过验证
A comprehensive battery energy storage optimal sizing model for microgrid applications
I Alsaidan, A Khodaei, W Gao
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (4), 3968-3980, 2017
Battery swapping station for electric vehicles: opportunities and challenges
F Ahmad, M Saad Alam, I Saad Alsaidan, SM Shariff
IET Smart Grid 3 (3), 280-286, 2020
A machine learning-based gradient boosting regression approach for wind power production forecasting: A step towards smart grid environments
U Singh, M Rizwan, M Alaraj, I Alsaidan
Energies 14 (16), 5196, 2021
Parameter estimation of three diode photovoltaic model using grasshopper optimization algorithm
OS Elazab, HM Hasanien, I Alsaidan, AY Abdelaziz, SM Muyeen
Energies 13 (2), 497, 2020
AI-based approach for optimal placement of EVCS and DG with reliability analysis
M Bilal, M Rizwan, I Alsaidan, FM Almasoudi
IEEE Access 9, 154204-154224, 2021
State-of-the-art in microgrid-integrated distributed energy storage sizing
I Alsaidan, A Alanazi, W Gao, H Wu, A Khodaei
Energies 10 (9), 1421, 2017
A PEMFC model optimization using the enhanced bald eagle algorithm
I Alsaidan, MAM Shaheen, HM Hasanien, M Alaraj, AS Alnafisah
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (6), 101749, 2022
Techno-economic and environmental analysis of grid-connected electric vehicle charging station using AI-based algorithm
M Bilal, I Alsaidan, M Alaraj, FM Almasoudi, M Rizwan
Mathematics 10 (6), 924, 2022
A novel adaptive control method for performance enhancement of grid-connected variable-speed wind generators
MA Soliman, HM Hasanien, A Al-Durra, I Alsaidan
IEEE Access 8, 82617-82629, 2020
Energy production forecasting from solar photovoltaic plants based on meteorological parameters for qassim region, Saudi Arabia
M Alaraj, A Kumar, I Alsaidan, M Rizwan, M Jamil
Ieee Access 9, 83241-83251, 2021
Distributed energy storage sizing for microgrid applications
I Alsaidan, A Khodaei, W Gao
2016 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 1-5, 2016
Artificial intelligence-based performance optimization of electric vehicle-to-home (V2H) energy management system
MS Shamami, MS Alam, F Ahmad, SM Shariff, I AlSaidan, Y Rafat, ...
SAE International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Energy, Environment …, 2020
Proton exchange membrane fuel cells modeling using chaos game optimization technique
I Alsaidan, MAM Shaheen, HM Hasanien, M Alaraj, AS Alnafisah
Sustainability 13 (14), 7911, 2021
Determination of optimal size and depth of discharge for battery energy storage in standalone microgrids
I Alsaidan, A Khodaei, W Gao
2016 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1-6, 2016
Determination of battery energy storage technology and size for standalone microgrids
I Alsaidan, A Khodaei, W Gao
2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016
Battery energy storage sizing for commercial customers
I Alsaidan, W Gao, A Khodaei
2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2017
A state‐of‐the‐art review on the impact of fast EV charging on the utility sector
SM Shariff, MS Alam, S Hameed, MR Khalid, A Ahmad, EA Al‐Ammar, ...
Energy Storage 4 (4), e300, 2022
Robust self tuned AGC controller for wind energy penetrated power system
N Hasan, I Alsaidan, M Sajid, S Khatoon, S Farooq
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (4), 101663, 2022
An intelligent approach to active and reactive power control in a grid-connected solar photovoltaic system
I Alsaidan, P Chaudhary, M Alaraj, M Rizwan
Sustainability 13 (8), 4219, 2021
Distribution network expansion through optimally sized and placed distributed energy storage
I Alsaidan, W Gao, A Khodaei
2018 IEEE/PES transmission and distribution conference and exposition (t&d), 1-5, 2018
文章 1–20