Corporate social and environmental reporting: a review of the literature and a longitudinal study of UK disclosure R Gray, R Kouhy, S Lavers Accounting, auditing & accountability journal 8 (2), 47-77, 1995 | 5884 | 1995 |
Accounting and accountability: Changes and challenges in corporate social and environmental reporting. RH Gray, DL Owen, CA Adams | 4335 | 2003 |
Accounting for the Environment RH Gray, J Bebbington Sage, 2001 | 2073 | 2001 |
Is accounting for sustainability actually accounting for sustainability… and how would we know? An exploration of narratives of organisations and the planet R Gray Accounting, organizations and society 35 (1), 47-62, 2010 | 1951 | 2010 |
Constructing a research database of social and environmentalreporting by UK companies G Rob, K Reza, L Simon Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 8 (2), 78-101, 1995 | 1918 | 1995 |
W (h) ither ecology? The triple bottom line, the global reporting initiative, and corporate sustainability reporting MJ Milne, R Gray Journal of business ethics 118, 13-29, 2013 | 1854 | 2013 |
Corporate social reporting: Accounting and accountability R Gray, D Owen, K Maunders (No Title), 1987 | 1528 | 1987 |
Social and environmental disclosure and corporate characteristics: A research note and extension R Gray, M Javad, DM Power, CD Sinclair Journal of business finance & accounting 28 (3‐4), 327-356, 2001 | 1519 | 2001 |
The social accounting project and Accounting Organizations and Society Privileging engagement, imaginings, new accountings and pragmatism over critique? R Gray Accounting, organizations and society 27 (7), 687-708, 2002 | 1457 | 2002 |
Accounting and environmentalism: an exploration of the challenge of gently accounting for accountability, transparency and sustainability R Gray Accounting, organizations and society 17 (5), 399-425, 1992 | 1232 | 1992 |
Social, environmental and sustainability reporting and organisational value creation? Whose value? Whose creation? R Gray Accounting, auditing & accountability journal 19 (6), 793-819, 2006 | 1179 | 2006 |
Struggling with the praxis of social accounting: Stakeholders, accountability, audits and procedures R Gray, C Dey, D Owen, R Evans, S Zadek Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 10 (3), 325-364, 1997 | 941 | 1997 |
Thirty years of social accounting, reporting and auditing: what (if anything) have we learnt? R Gray Business ethics: A European review 10 (1), 9-15, 2001 | 852 | 2001 |
Attending to the execution of a complex sensorimotor skill: expertise differences, choking, and slumps. R Gray Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 10 (1), 42, 2004 | 832 | 2004 |
An account of sustainability: failure, success and a reconceptualization J Bebbington, R Gray Critical perspectives on accounting 12 (5), 557-587, 2001 | 765 | 2001 |
NGOs, civil society and accountability: making the people accountable to capital R Gray, J Bebbington, D Collison Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 19 (3), 319-348, 2006 | 746 | 2006 |
Corporate social reporting: emerging trends in accountability and the social contract R Gray, D Owen, K Maunders Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 1 (1), 6-20, 1988 | 743 | 1988 |
Do financial markets care about social and environmental disclosure? Further evidence and exploration from the UK A Murray, D Sinclair, D Power, R Gray Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 19 (2), 228-255, 2006 | 710 | 2006 |
Evaluating the performance of ethical and non‐ethical funds: a matched pair analysis N Kreander, RH Gray, DM Power, CD Sinclair Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 32 (7‐8), 1465-1493, 2005 | 660 | 2005 |
Sustainability reporting: who's kidding whom? R Gray, M Milne Chartered Accountants Journal of New Zealand 81 (6), 66-70, 2002 | 656 | 2002 |