Maysam Abbasi
Review on the Microgrid Concept, Structures, Components, Communication Systems, and Control Methods
M Abbasi, E Abbasi, L Li, RP Aguilera, D Lu, F Wang
Energies 16 (1), 2023
Single and multi-objective optimal power flow using a new differential-based harmony search algorithm
M Abbasi, E Abbasi, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12 (1), 851-871, 2021
New Family of non-Isolated Step up/down and Step up Switched-Capacitor Based DC-DC Converters
M Abbasi, E Babaei, B Tousi
IET Power Electronics 12 (7), 1706 – 1720, 2019
A Zeta-based Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter Topology
N Vosoughu, M Abbasi, E Abbasi, M Sabahi
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 1–21, 2019
New family of expandable step‐up/‐down DC‐DC converters with increased voltage gain and decreased voltage stress on capacitors
M Abbasi, E Abbasi, B Tousi, GB Gharehpetian
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2020
A Zero-Current Switching Switched-capacitor DC-DC Converter with Reduction in Cost, Complexity and Size
M Abbasi, E Abbasi, B Tousi, BG Gharehpetian
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2019
Design and analysis of a high-gain step-up/down modular DC–DC converter with continuous input current and decreased voltage stress on power switches and switched-capacitors
M Abbasi, E Abbasi, L Li, B Tousi
Sustainability 13 (9), 5243, 2021
New transformer‐less DC–DC converter topologies with reduced voltage stress on capacitors and increased voltage conversion ratio
M Abbasi, E Abbasi, L Li
IET Power Electronics, 2021
Using Dynamic Thermal Rating and Energy Storage Systems Technologies Simultaneously for Optimal Integration and Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources
M Abbasi, M Sharafi Miyab, B Tousi, BG Gharehpetian
International Journal of Engineering Transactions A: Basics 33 (1), 92-104, 2020
An efficient bi-objective approach for dynamic economic emission dispatch of renewable-integrated microgrids
K Gholami, M Abbasi, A Azizivahed, L Li
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (8), 10695-10714, 2023
A new transformer‐less step‐up DC–DC converter with high voltage gain and reduced voltage stress on switched‐capacitors and power switches for renewable energy source applications
M Abbasi, Y Nazari, E Abbasi, L Li
IET Power Electronics, 2021
New DTR line selection method in a power system comprising DTR, ESS, and RES for increasing RES integration and minimising load shedding
A Shalchi, M Abbasi, E Abbasi, B Tousi, GB Gharehprtian
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 14 (25), 6319 – 6329, 2020
Novel controllers based on instantaneous pq power theory for transformerless SSSC and STATCOM
M Abbasi, B Tousi
2017 IEEE international conference on environment and electrical engineering …, 2017
A novel controller based on single-phase instantaneous pq power theory for a cascaded PWM transformer-less STATCOM for voltage regulation
M Abbasi, B Tousi
Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering 6 (1), 80-88, 2018
Optimal Placement and sizing of TCSC for Improving the Voltage and Economic Indices of System with stochastic Load Model
G Saman, B Tousi, M Abbasi, M Alilou
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 29 (13), 2020
A Seventeen-Level Step-Up Switched-Capacitor-Based Multilevel Inverter With Reduced Charging Current Stress on Capacitors for PV Applications
SK Haghighian, HG Yeh, MG Marangalu, NV Kurdkandi, M Abbasi, ...
IEEE Access 11, 118124-118143, 2023
Application of an additive self-tuning controller for static synchronous series compensator for damping of sub-synchronous resonance oscillations
M Abbasi, H Shayestehkhah, B Tousi
International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications 31 (4 …, 2018
A New Method with Minimum Number of Monitoring Points for Flicker Source Tracing by Wavelet Transform
H Moghadam, M Abbasi, B Tousi
international Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2019
Application of an online controller for STATCOM to mitigate the SSR oscillations
M Abbasi, S Khazaee, B Tousi
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 13 (9), 2945 - 2963, 2018
Performance evaluation of switched-diode symmetric, asymmetric and cascade multilevel converter topologies: A case study
M Abbasi, B Tousi
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC) 13 (5), 1165 - 1180, 2018
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