Elena González Rodríguez
Thermal regeneration of activated carbon saturated with p-nitrophenol
E Sabio, E González, JF González, CM González-Garcı́a, A Ramiro, ...
Carbon 42 (11), 2285-2293, 2004
Influence of grape maturity and maceration length on color, polyphenolic composition, and polysaccharide content of Cabernet Sauvignon and Tempranillo wines
M Gil, N Kontoudakis, E González, M Esteruelas, F Fort, JM Canals, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60 (32), 7988-8001, 2012
Effect of two different treatments for reducing grape yield in Vitis vinifera cv Syrah on wine composition and quality: berry thinning versus cluster thinning
M Gil, M Esteruelas, E González, N Kontoudakis, J Jiménez, F Fort, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 61 (20), 4968-4978, 2013
Automatic classification of granite tiles through colour and texture features
F Bianconi, E González, A Fernández, SA Saetta
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (12), 11212-11218, 2012
Evaluation of robustness against rotation of LBP, CCR and ILBP features in granite texture classification
A Fernández, O Ghita, E González, F Bianconi, PF Whelan
Machine vision and Applications 22, 913-926, 2011
Influence of wine pH on changes in color and polyphenol composition induced by micro-oxygenation
N Kontoudakis, E González, M Gil, M Esteruelas, F Fort, JM Canals, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59 (5), 1974-1984, 2011
Rotation-invariant colour texture classification through multilayer CCR
F Bianconi, A Fernández, E González, D Caride, A Calvino
Pattern Recognition Letters 30 (8), 765-773, 2009
Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid and monounsaturated fatty acids on productive, carcass and meat quality traits of pigs
D Martin, E Muriel, E Gonzalez, J Viguera, J Ruiz
Livestock Science 117 (2-3), 155-164, 2008
Determination of ploidy and nuclear DNA content in populations of Atriplex halimus (Chenopodiaceae)
DJ Walker, I Monino, E Gonzalez, N Frayssinet, E Correal
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 147 (4), 441-448, 2005
Procesos de socialización con redes sociales en la adolescencia
B Segovia, R Mérida, MA Olivares, E González
Relatec 15 (3), 141-154, 2016
Performance analysis of colour descriptors for parquet sorting
F Bianconi, A Fernández, E González, SA Saetta
Expert systems with applications 40 (5), 1636-1644, 2013
Changes in the fatty acid profile of the subcutaneous fat of swine throughout fattening as affected by dietary conjugated linoleic acid and monounsaturated fatty acids
D Martin, T Antequera, E Gonzalez, C Lopez-Bote, J Ruiz
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55 (26), 10820-10826, 2007
Novel approach to automatic traffic sign inventory based on mobile mapping system data and deep learning
J Balado, E González, P Arias, D Castro
Remote Sensing 12 (3), 442, 2020
Dominant local binary patterns for texture classification: Labelled or unlabelled?
F Bianconi, E González, A Fernández
Pattern Recognition Letters 65, 8-14, 2015
Experimental comparison of color spaces for material classification
R Bello-Cerezo, F Bianconi, A Fernández, E González, F Di Maria
Journal of Electronic Imaging 25 (6), 061406-061406, 2016
A multicentric study regarding the use of hormone therapy during female mid-age (REDLINC VI)
JE Blümel, P Chedraui, G Barón, Z Benítez, D Flores, MT Espinoza, ...
Climacteric 17 (4), 433-441, 2014
Robust color texture features based on ranklets and discrete Fourier transform
F Bianconi, A Fernández, E González, J Armesto
Journal of Electronic Imaging 18 (4), 043012-043012-8, 2009
On comparing colour spaces from a performance perspective: Application to automated classification of polished natural stones
AF Francesco Bianconi, Raquel Bello, Elena González
New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer …, 2015
Bioensayo de toxicidad aguda con plantas nativas para evaluar un derrame de petróleo
V Pentreath, E González, M Barquín, SM Ríos, S Perales
Revista de salud ambiental 15 (1), 13-20, 2015
Redes de aprendizaje escuelas infantiles-universidad. Evaluación de una experiencia de innovación
R Mérida, E González, MÁ Olivares
Culture and Education 24 (1), 95-110, 2012
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