Osman Khalid
Osman Khalid
Associate Professor, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus
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Potentials, trends, and prospects in edge technologies: Fog, cloudlet, mobile edge, and micro data centers
K Bilal, O Khalid, A Erbad, SU Khan
Computer Networks 130, 94-120, 2018
A taxonomy and survey on green data center networks
K Bilal, SUR Malik, O Khalid, A Hameed, E Alvarez, V Wijaysekara, R Irfan, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 36, 189-208, 2014
FogNetSim++: A toolkit for modeling and simulation of distributed fog environment
T Qayyum, AW Malik, MAK Khattak, O Khalid, SU Khan
IEEE Access 6, 63570-63583, 2018
Comparative study of trust and reputation systems for wireless sensor networks
O Khalid, SU Khan, SA Madani, K Hayat, MI Khan, N Min‐Allah, ...
Security and Communication Networks 6 (6), 669-688, 2013
OmniSuggest: A ubiquitous cloud-based context-aware recommendation system for mobile social networks
O Khalid, MUS Khan, SU Khan, AY Zomaya
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 7 (3), 401-414, 2013
Diet-right: A smart food recommendation system
F Rehman, O Khalid, K Bilal, SA Madani
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 11 (6), 2910-2925, 2017
Optimal content caching in content‐centric networks
F Qazi, O Khalid, RNB Rais, IA Khan, AUR Khan
Wireless communications and mobile computing 2019 (1), 6373960, 2019
An optimal ride sharing recommendation framework for carpooling services
H Qadir, O Khalid, MUS Khan, AUR Khan, R Nawaz
IEEE Access 6, 62296-62313, 2018
Modeling an optimized approach for load balancing in cloud
M Junaid, A Sohail, RNB Rais, A Ahmed, O Khalid, IA Khan, SS Hussain, ...
IEEE access 8, 173208-173226, 2020
A hybrid mask RCNN-based tool to localize dental cavities from real-time mixed photographic images
U Rashid, A Javid, AR Khan, L Liu, A Ahmed, O Khalid, K Saleem, ...
PeerJ Computer Science 8, e888, 2022
A comparative study of location-based recommendation systems
F Rehman, O Khalid, SA Madani
The Knowledge Engineering Review 32, e7, 2017
MacroServ: A route recommendation service for large-scale evacuations
MUS Khan, O Khalid, Y Huang, R Ranjan, F Zhang, J Cao, B Veeravalli, ...
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 10 (4), 589-602, 2015
On deep neural network for trust aware cross domain recommendations in E-commerce
A Ahmed, K Saleem, O Khalid, U Rashid
Expert Systems with Applications 174, 114757, 2021
Data offloading in IoT environments: modeling, analysis, and verification
A Ghosh, O Khalid, RNB Rais, A Rehman, SUR Malik, IA Khan
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2019 (1), 53, 2019
EvacSys: A cloud-based service for emergency evacuation
O Khalid, MUS Khan, Y Huang, SU Khan, A Zomaya
IEEE Cloud Computing 3 (1), 60-68, 2016
Fault tolerance in the cloud
K Bilal, O Khalid, SUR Malik, MUS Khan, SU Khan, AY Zomaya
Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing, 291-300, 2016
Scalability issues in online social networks
T Maqsood, O Khalid, R Irfan, SA Madani, SU Khan
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 49 (2), 1-42, 2016
XFogSim: A distributed fog resource management framework for sustainable IoT services
AW Malik, T Qayyum, AU Rahman, MA Khan, O Khalid, SU Khan
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 6 (4), 691-702, 2020
Blockchain enabled data security in vehicular networks
NU Sehar, O Khalid, IA Khan, F Rehman, MAB Fayyaz, AR Ansari, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 4412, 2023
CPU and RAM energy-based SLA-aware workload consolidation techniques for clouds
B Gul, IA Khan, S Mustafa, O Khalid, SS Hussain, D Dancey, R Nawaz
IEEE Access 8, 62990-63003, 2020
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