Mahmoud Pesaran HA
A review of the optimal allocation of distributed generation: Objectives, constraints, methods, and algorithms
M Pesaran HA, PD Huy, VK Ramachandaramurthy
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75, 293-312, 2017
A comprehensive overview on signal processing and artificial intelligence techniques applications in classification of power quality disturbances
S Khokhar, AA Mohd Zin, AS Mokhtara, M Pesarana HA
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 51, 1650-1663, 2015
An overview on doubly fed induction generators′ controls and contributions to wind based electricity generation
AABM Zin, M Pesaran HA, AB Khairuddin, L Jahanshaloo, O Shariati
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 27, 692-708, 2013
A hybrid genetic particle swarm optimization for distributed generation allocation in power distribution networks
MP HA, M Nazari-Heris, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, H Seyedi
Energy 209, 118218, 2020
A novel method for optimal placing wind turbines in a wind farm using particle swarm optimization (PSO)
R Rahmani, A Khairuddin, SM Cherati, M Pesaran HA
IPEC, 2010 Conference Proceedings, 134-139, 2010
An overview of boundary implementation in lattice Boltzmann method for computational heat and mass transfer
L Jahanshaloo, NAC Sidik, A Fazeli, M Pesaran HA
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 78, 1-12, 2016
Transactive energy integration in future smart rural network electrification
M Daneshvar, M Pesaran, B Mohammadi-ivatloo
Journal of Cleaner Production 190, 645-654, 2018
Parameter identification of deep-bar induction motors using genetic algorithm
E Rahimpour, V Rashtchi, M Pesaran HA
Electrical Engineering 89 (7), 547-552, 2007
Transactive energy in future smart homes
M Daneshvar, M Pesaran, B Mohammadi-ivatloo
The Energy Internet, 153-179, 2019
Optimization of power system problems: methods, algorithms and MATLAB codes
MP Hajiabbas, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Springer Nature, 2020
Optimal Sizing and Siting of Distributed Generators by a Weighted Exhaustive Search
M Pesaran HA, AA Mohd Zin, A Khairuddin, O Shariati
Electric Power Components and Systems 42 (11), 1131-1142, 2014
Optimal Distributed Generation Allocation Using Quantum Inspired Particle Swarm Optimization
M Nazari-Heris, S Madadi, MP Hajiabbas, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Quantum Computing: An Environment for Intelligent Large Scale Real …, 2018
An Integrated Method for under Frequency Load Shedding Based on Hybrid Intelligent System-Part I: Dynamic Simulation
O Shariati, AAM Zin, A Khairuddin, M Pesaran HA, MR Aghamohammadi
Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2012 Asia-Pacific, 1-9, 2012
An Integrated Method for under Frequency Load Shedding Based on Hybrid Intelligent System-Part II: UFLS Design
O Shariati, AAM Zin, A Khairuddin, M Pesaran HA, MR Aghamohammadi
Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2012 Asia-Pacific, 1-9, 2012
Optimal Sizing and Siting of Distributed Generators by Exhaustive Search
M Pesaran H.A., AA Mohd Zin, A Khairuddin, O Shariati
Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal 30 (3), 29-56, 2015
Optimal selection of location, sizing and power factor for solar PV plants using differential evolution
PD Huy, VK Ramachandaramurthy, M Pesaran HA
Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT ASIA), 2015 IEEE, 1-6, 2015
The utilization of quantum inspired computational intelligent in power systems optimization
MP Hajiabbas, M Nazari-Heris, S Madadi, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Quantum Computing: An Environment for Intelligent Large Scale Real …, 2018
Application of neural network observer for on-line estimation of solid-rotor Synchronous Generators' Dynamic Parameters using the operating data
O Shariati, AA Mohd Zin, A Khairuddin, M Pesaran HA, ...
Power and Energy (PECon), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, 493-498, 2012
Impact of Integrated Optimization of Independent Energy Carriers on Power Systems
MJ Vahid-Pakdel, MP Hajiabbas, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Classical and Recent Aspects of Power System Optimization, 389-405, 2018
Network losses reduction by replacing conventional generation with dispersed generators on MV side
M Pesaran HA, O Shariati, AAM Zin, A Khairuddin
TENCON 2011-2011 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1346-1350, 2011
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