Pascal Côté
Pascal Côté
Ingénieur analyste en recherche opérationnelle, Rio Tinto Alcan Énergie électrique
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Comparison of stochastic optimization algorithms in hydrological model calibration
R Arsenault, A Poulin, P Côté, F Brissette
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 19 (7), 1374-1384, 2014
A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the uncapacitated exam proximity problem
P Côté, T Wong, R Sabourin
International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling …, 2004
Comparing different forest zoning options for landscape-scale management of the boreal forest: possible benefits of the TRIAD
P Côté, R Tittler, C Messier, DD Kneeshaw, A Fall, MJ Fortin
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (3), 418-427, 2010
Stochastic short-term hydropower planning with inflow scenario trees
S Séguin, SE Fleten, P Côté, A Pichler, C Audet
European Journal of Operational Research 259 (3), 1156-1168, 2017
Comparison of stochastic optimization algorithms for hydropower reservoir operation with ensemble streamflow prediction
P Côté, R Leconte
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (2), 04015046, 2016
Self-scheduling short-term unit commitment and loading problem
S Séguin, P Côté, C Audet
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (1), 133-142, 2015
MILP formulations for generator maintenance scheduling in hydropower systems
JA Rodriguez, MF Anjos, P Côté, G Desaulniers
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (6), 6171-6180, 2018
Final exam timetabling: a practical approach
T Wong, P Côté, P Gely
IEEE CCECE2002. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2002
Stochastic optimisation of Hydro-Quebec hydropower installations: a statistical comparison between SDP and SSDP methods
P Côté, D Haguma, R Leconte, S Krau
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 38 (12), 1427-1434, 2011
Optimal hydropower generation under climate change conditions for a northern water resources system
D Haguma, R Leconte, P Côté, S Krau, F Brissette
Water resources management 28, 4631-4644, 2014
Accelerating Benders decomposition for short-term hydropower maintenance scheduling
JA Rodríguez, MF Anjos, P Côté, G Desaulniers
European Journal of Operational Research 289 (1), 240-253, 2021
Role of hydrologic information in stochastic dynamic programming: a case study of the Kemano hydropower system in British Columbia
Q Desreumaux, P Côté, R Leconte
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 41 (9), 839-844, 2014
Water resources optimization method in the context of climate change
D Haguma, R Leconte, S Krau, P Côté, F Brissette
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 141 (2), 04014051, 2015
Analysis of the effects of biases in ensemble streamflow prediction (ESP) forecasts on electricity production in hydropower reservoir management
R Arsenault, P Côté
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23 (6), 2735-2750, 2019
Scenario-tree modeling for stochastic short-term hydropower operations planning
S Séguin, C Audet, P Côté
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 143 (12), 04017073, 2017
Approximate stochastic dynamic programming for hydroelectric production planning
L Zéphyr, P Lang, BF Lamond, P Côté
European journal of operational research 262 (2), 586-601, 2017
Factors influencing fall departure phenology in migratory birds that bred in northeastern North America
É Brisson-Curadeau, KH Elliott, P Côté
The Auk 137 (1), ukz064, 2020
A hybrid MOEA for the capacitated exam proximity problem
T Wong, P Côté, R Sabourin
Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Optimizing multireservoir system operating policies using exogenous hydrologic variables
J Pina, A Tilmant, P Côté
Water Resources Research 53 (11), 9845-9859, 2017
Multivariate recurrence plots for visualizing and quantifying the dynamics of spatially extended ecosystems
R Proulx, P Côté, L Parrott
ecological complexity 6 (1), 37-47, 2009
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