Dr. Ahmed Harun-Al-Rashid
Dr. Ahmed Harun-Al-Rashid
Professor, Dept. of Aquatic Resource Management, Faculty of Fisheries, Sylhet Agricultural
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Present status of fish biodiversity in Dekhar Haor, Bangladesh: A case study
D Pandit, M Kunda, A Harun-Al-Rashid, MA Sufian, SK Mazumder
World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 7 (4), 278-287, 2015
Optimization of stocking density for mono-sex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) production in riverine cage culture in Bangladesh
M Kunda, D Pandit, A Harun-Al-Rashid
Heliyon 7 (11), 2021
Indigenous freshwater ichthyofauna in the Dhanu River and surrounding wetlands of Bangladesh: species diversity, availability, and conservation perspectives
D Pandit, S Saha, M Kunda, A Harun-Al-Rashid
Conservation 1 (3), 241-257, 2021
Assessment of the ichthyofaunal diversity in the Juri River of Sylhet district, Bangladesh
AHAR Md. Rashidul Islam, Mrityunjoy Kunda* , Debasish Pandit
Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science 4 (4), 488-496, 2019
Multidrug Antimicrobial Resistance and Molecular Detection of mcr-1 Gene in Salmonella Species Isolated from Chicken
MB Uddin, SMB Hossain, M Hasan, MN Alam, M Debnath, R Begum, ...
Animals 11 (1), 206, 2021
Effects of stocking density on growth and production of GIFT (Oreochromis niloticus)
SJ Hasan, S Mian, AHA Rashid, SM Rahmatullah
Bangladesh J. Fish. Res 14 (1-2), 45-53, 2010
Checklist of fish species in the Shari-Goyain River, Bangladesh: Threats and conservation measures
MR Talukder, MA Hussain, M Kunda, AHA Rashid, D Pandit, TA Sumon
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2021
Socio-economic characteristics and fishing operation activities of the artisanal fishers in the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Bangladesh
MMH Mozumder, MM Shamsuzzaman, M Rashed-Un-Nabi, ...
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 18 (6), 789-799, 2018
Establishment of a fish sanctuary for conserving indigenous fishes in the largest freshwater swamp forest of Bangladesh: A community-based management approach
M Kunda, D Ray, D Pandit, A Harun-Al-Rashid
Heliyon 8 (5), 2022
Fish biodiversity in the Khiru River of Bangladesh: Present status and threats
N Akter, M Kunda, A Harun-Al-Rashid, SK Mazumder, MA Sultana, ...
Int. J. Nat. Soc. Sci 7 (4), 30-39, 2020
Impacts of brush pile fishing on fish biodiversity: A case study of the Shari-Goyain River in Bangladesh
SR Das, D Pandit, A Harun-Al-Rashid, N Tasnim, M Kunda
Heliyon 8 (7), 2022
Data on prevalence, distribution and risk factors for Foot and Mouth Disease in grazing cattle in haor areas of Bangladesh
MSR Chowdhury, MI Ahsan, MJ Khan, MM Rahman, MM Hossain, ...
Data in brief 28, 104843, 2020
Effects of spatial resolution on the satellite observation of floating macroalgae blooms
X Wang, Q Xing, D An, L Meng, X Zheng, B Jiang, H Liu
Water 13 (13), 1761, 2021
Ancestral origin, antigenic resemblance and epidemiological insights of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2): global burden and Bangladesh perspective
MB Uddin, M Hasan, A Harun-Al-Rashid, MI Ahsan, MAS Imran, ...
Infection, genetics and evolution 84, 104440, 2020
Hourly variation of green tide in the Yellow Sea during summer 2015 and 2016 using Geostationary Ocean Color Imager data
A Harun-Al-Rashid, CS Yang
International Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (13), 4402-4415, 2018
An improved method of land masking for synthetic aperture radar-based ship detection
CS Yang, JH Park, A Harun-Al Rashid
The Journal of Navigation 71 (4), 788-804, 2018
Production of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerling in hapa using swim-up fry involving women in the haor region of Bangladesh
M Kunda, A Harun-Al-Rashid, F Morshed, A Islam, SK Mazumder
IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 7 (10), 29-35, 2014
Spatiotemporal variations in water quality of the transboundary shari-goyain river, Bangladesh
D Pandit, MM Haque, A Harun-Al-Rashid, B Sarker, MA Hossain, ...
Sustainability 15 (6), 5218, 2023
Availability and diversity of fish fauna in the Gurukchi River of Sylhet district in Bangladesh
D Pandit, M Kunda, D Ray, AHA Rashid
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University 7 (1), 1-14, 2020
Present status of coastal fisheries in Sitakunda coast with special reference on climate change and fish catch.
MNU Miah, MM Shamsuzzaman, A Harun-Al-Rashid, PP Barman
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