Julien Broisin
Julien Broisin
Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Toulouse
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Lab4CE: a Remote Laboratory for Computer Education
J Broisin, R Venant, P Vidal
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 27 (1), 154-180, 2017
Bridging the gap between learning management systems and learning object repositories: exploiting learning context information
J Broisin, P Vidal, M Meire, E Duval
Advanced Industrial Conference on Telecommunications/Service Assurance with …, 2005
A Competency Framework for Teaching and Learning Innovation Centers for the 21st Century: Anticipating the Post-COVID-19 Age.
M Pérez-Sanagustín, I Kotorov, A Teixeira, F Mansilla, J Broisin, ...
Electronics 11 (413), 115, 2022
User context and personalized learning: a federation of Contextualized Attention Metadata
V Butoianu, P Vidal, K Verbert, E Duval, J Broisin
Journal of Universal Computer Science 16 (16), 2252-2271, 2010
Une approche conduite par les modèles pour le traçage des activités des utilisateurs dans des EIAH hétérogènes
J Broisin, P Vidal
Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l …, 2007
Using Sequential Pattern Mining to Explore Learners’ Behaviors and Evaluate Their Correlation with Performance in Inquiry-Based Learning
R Venant, K Sharma, P Vidal, P Dillenbourg, J Broisin
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 286-299, 2017
A personalized recommendation framework based on CAM and document annotations
J Broisin, M Brut, V Butoianu, F Sedes, P Vidal
Procedia Computer Science 1 (2), 2839-2848, 2010
Sharing & re-using learning objects: Learning management systems and learning object repositories
J Broisin
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and …, 2005
Personnalisation de l’apprentissage: comparaison des besoins et approches à travers l’étude de quelques dispositifs
M Lefevre, J Broisin, V Butoianu, P Daubias, L Daubigney, F Greffier, ...
Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l …, 2012
Opening learner profiles across heterogeneous applications
T Ramandalahy, P Vidal, J Broisin
9th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 504-508, 2009
A generic representation allowing for expression of learning object and metadata lifecycle
O Catteau, P Vidal, J Broisin
Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT …, 2006
Tsaap-Notes--An Open Micro-blogging Tool for Collaborative Notetaking during Face-to-Face Lectures
F Silvestre, P Vidal, J Broisin
14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 39-43, 2014
Evaluation of learner performance during practical activities: An experimentation in computer education
R Venant, P Vidal, J Broisin
16th international conference on advanced learning technologies (ICALT), 237-241, 2016
Supporting the Monitoring of Institutional Competency in Learning Innovation: The PROF-XXI Tool
I Kotorov, M Pérez-Sanagustín, F Mansilla, Y Krasylnykova, FT Hadaou, ...
2022 XVII Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO), 01-08, 2022
Unsupervised automatic detection of learners’ programming behavior
A Bey, M Pérez-Sanagustín, J Broisin
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 69-82, 2019
A digital ecosystem for the collaborative production of open textbooks: the LATIn Methodology
IF Silveira, X Ochôa, A Cuadros-Vargas, AHP Casas, A Casali, A Ortega, ...
Journal of Information Technology Education 12, 225-249, 2013
Analyzing learners’ behavior beyond the MOOC: An exploratory study
M Pérez-Sanagustín, K Sharma, R Pérez-Álvarez, J Maldonado-Mahauad, ...
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 40-54, 2019
Awareness and reflection in virtual and remote laboratories: the case of computer education
J Broisin, R Venant, P Vidal
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 9 (2-3), 254-276, 2017
Un Environnement Informatique pour l'Apprentissage Humain au service de la Virtualisation et de la Gestion des Objets Pédagogiques
J Broisin
Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III, 2006
Un Environnement Informatique pour l'Apprentissage Humain au service de la Virtualisation des Objets Pédagogiques
J Broisin, P Vidal
Revue STICEF 12, 177-204, 2005
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