Matt Calder
Matt Calder
Meta, Columbia University
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Mapping the expansion of Google's serving infrastructure
M Calder, X Fan, Z Hu, E Katz-Bassett, J Heidemann, R Govindan
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Internet measurement conference, 313-326, 2013
Analyzing the Performance of an Anycast CDN
M Calder, A Flavel, E Katz-Bassett, R Mahajan, J Padhye
Proceedings of the 2015 Internet Measurement Conference, 531-537, 2015
Peering at the internet’s frontier: A first look at isp interconnectivity in africa
A Gupta, M Calder, N Feamster, M Chetty, E Calandro, E Katz-Bassett
Passive and Active Measurement: 15th International Conference, PAM 2014, Los …, 2014
Cloud provider connectivity in the flat internet
T Arnold, J He, W Jiang, M Calder, I Cunha, V Giotsas, E Katz-Bassett
Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 230-246, 2020
Machine reasoning about anomalous sensor data
M Calder, RA Morris, F Peri
Ecological Informatics 5 (1), 9-18, 2010
Seven years in the life of Hypergiants' off-nets
P Gigis, M Calder, L Manassakis, G Nomikos, V Kotronis, X Dimitropoulos, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Conference, 516-533, 2021
Cost-effective cloud edge traffic engineering with cascara
R Singh, S Agarwal, M Calder, P Bahl
18th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2021
Odin: Microsoft's Scalable Fault-Tolerant CDN Measurement System
M Calder, R Gao, M Schröder, R Stewart, J Padhye, R Mahajan, ...
15th {USENIX} Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation …, 2018
Efficiently delivering online services over integrated infrastructure
HH Liu, R Viswanathan, M Calder, A Akella, R Mahajan, J Padhye, ...
13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2016
Sibyl: a practical Internet route oracle
Í Cunha, P Marchetta, M Calder, YC Chiu, BVA Machado, A Pescapè, ...
13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2016
DIBS: Just-in-time congestion mitigation for data centers
K Zarifis, R Miao, M Calder, E Katz-Bassett, M Yu, J Padhye
Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Computer Systems, 1-14, 2014
Batch scheduling of recurrent applications for energy savings on mobile phones
M Calder, MK Marina
2010 7th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and …, 2010
Zooming in on wide-area latencies to a global cloud provider
Y Jin, S Renganathan, G Ananthanarayanan, J Jiang, VN Padmanabhan, ...
Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication, 104-116, 2019
Anycast in context: A tale of two systems
T Koch, E Katz-Bassett, J Heidemann, M Calder, C Ardi, K Li
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Conference, 398-417, 2021
Teaching data structures to students who are blind
M Calder, RF Cohen, J Lanzoni, N Landry, J Skaff
Proceedings of the 12th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and …, 2007
Beating BGP is Harder than we Thought
T Arnold, M Calder, I Cunha, A Gupta, HV Madhyastha, M Schapira, ...
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 9-16, 2019
PLUMB: an interface for users who are blind to display, create, and modify graphs
M Calder, RF Cohen, J Lanzoni, Y Xu
Proceedings of the 8th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2006
A cloud provider’s view of EDNS Client-Subnet adoption
M Calder, X Fan, L Zhu
2019 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), 129-136, 2019
The record route option is an option!
BJ Goodchild, YC Chiu, R Hansen, H Lua, M Calder, M Luckie, W Lloyd, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 Internet Measurement Conference, 311-317, 2017
Reduce, reuse, recycle: Repurposing existing measurements to identify stale traceroutes
V Giotsas, T Koch, E Fazzion, Í Cunha, M Calder, HV Madhyastha, ...
Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 247-265, 2020
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