Ufuk Keleş
Ufuk Keleş
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi
在 bau.edu.tr 的电子邮件经过验证
Representation of cultures and communities in a global ELT textbook: A diachronic content analysis
U Keles, B Yazan
Language Teaching Research 27 (5), 1325-1346, 2023
Autoethnography as a recent methodology in applied linguistics: A methodological review.
U Keleş
Qualitative Report 27 (2), 448-474, 2022
Writing a “good” autoethnography in educational research: A modest proposal
U Keleş
The Qualitative Report 27 (9), 2026-2046, 2022
Turkish-English bilingual content in the virtual linguistic landscape of a university in Turkey: exclusive de facto language policies
U Keles, B Yazan, A Giles
International Multilingual Research Journal 14 (1), 1-19, 2020
Perpetuation of gender bias in New Headway: a multimodal critical discourse analysis with a diachronic lens
U Keles, B Mansouri, B Yazan
Pedagogy, Culture & Society 31 (3), 379-401, 2023
Exploring my in-betweenness as a growing transnational scholar through poetic autoethnography
U Keleş
Doctoral students’ identities and emotional wellbeing in applied linguistics …, 2023
Educational language policies in the United States: a critical discourse analysis of ELPA21
A Giles, B Yazan, U Keles
European Journal of Language Policy 12 (1), 5-27, 2020
The Long-Term Washback Effect of University Entrance Exams: An EFL Learner and Teacher's Critical Autoethnography of Socialization
U Keleş
Handbook of research on perspectives in foreign language assessment, 156-180, 2023
A snippet of an ongoing narrative: A non-linear, fragmented, and unorthodox autoethnographic conversation
B Yazan, U Keleş
Applied Linguistics Inquiry 1 (1), 7-15, 2023
Can the subaltern speak in autoethnography?: knowledging through dialogic and retro/intro/pro-spective reflection to stand against epistemic violence
B Yazan, U Keleş
Applied Linguistics Review, Ahead-of-print, 2024
My language learning, using, and researching stories: Critical autoethnography of socialization
U Keleş
The University of Alabama, 2020
Mystory as an international graduate student: A socialization autoethnography
U Keleş
Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education 14 (3), 276-293, 2023
The perceptions of ELT students about the use of Web 20 tools, particularly wikis, in their future language classrooms
U Keleş
PQDT-Global, 2013
Making sense of teacher identity tensions through critical autoethnographic narrative: Pedagogizing identity in teacher education
B Yazan, U Keleş
Language Teacher Identity Tensions, 15-32, 2024
My language learning, using, and researching stories: Critical autoethnography of socialization (Publication No. 28154180)[Doctoral dissertation, The University of Alabama …
U Keleş
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, 2020
Language teacher candidates’ representation of Türkiye’s East and West: A critical discourse analysis of online discussions in a telecollaboration
U Keleş, B Yazan, B Üzüm, S Akayoğlu
Linguistics and Education 81, 101305, 2024
Non-Western regional representations in US 9th grade social studies textbooks: Cases of Nigeria, Iran, and Turkey
OM Odebiyi, U Keles, B Mansouri, AM Papaleo
The Oregon Journal of the Social Studies 6 (1), 17-30, 2018
The autoethnographer, or, there and back again: Revisiting my decision to write an autoethnographic dissertation
U Keleş
More than a title: Autoethnographic explorations of choosing dissertation …, 2025
Multilingual Leadership (=Friendship) Through Critical Autoethnography Allowing Multivoicedness, Welcoming Uncertainty
B Yazan, U Keleş
Multilingual Leadership in TESOL, 175-191, 2025
Exploring the Betsy Rymes’ three-dimensional approach: A review of classroom discourse analysis: A tool for critical reflection
U Keles
The Qualitative Report 24 (9), 2368-2371, 2019
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