Gaurav Taneja
Gaurav Taneja
Assistant General Manager - Catalogue Management, Medikabazaar- Boston Ivy Healthcare Solutions Pvt
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Is targeting eNOS a key mechanistic insight of cardiovascular defensive potentials of statins?
P Balakumar, S Kathuria, G Taneja, S Kalra, N Mahadevan
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 52 (1), 83-92, 2012
Fish oil and vascular endothelial protection: bench to bedside
P Balakumar, G Taneja
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 53 (2), 271-279, 2012
Reactive oxygen species: friend or foe?
AK Sharma, G Taneja, D Khanna, SK Rajput
RSC Advances 5 (71), 57267-57276, 2015
Insulin analogs: Glimpse on contemporary facts and future prospective
AK Sharma, G Taneja, A Kumar, M Sahu, G Sharma, A Kumar, S Sardana, ...
Life sciences 219, 90-99, 2019
Nano-medicine and vascular endothelial dysfunction: options and delivery strategies
G Taneja, A Sud, N Pendse, B Panigrahi, A Kumar, AK Sharma
Cardiovascular toxicology 19, 1-12, 2019
Synthesis and preliminary therapeutic evaluation of copper nanoparticles against diabetes mellitus and-induced micro-(renal) and macro-vascular (vascular endothelial and …
AK Sharma, A Kumar, G Taneja, U Nagaich, A Deep, SK Rajput
RSC Advances 6 (43), 36870-36880, 2016
Combined and individual strategy of exercise generated preconditioning and low dose copper nanoparticles serve as superlative approach to ameliorate ISO-induced myocardial …
AK Sharma, A Kumar, G Taneja, U Nagaich, A Deep, AK Datusalia, ...
Pharmacological Reports 70 (4), 789-795, 2018
Fish oil blunted nicotine-induced vascular endothelial abnormalities possibly via activation of PPARγ-eNOS-NO signals
G Taneja, N Mahadevan, P Balakumar
Cardiovascular toxicology 13 (2), 110-122, 2013
Effect of pantoprazole on IR-induced myocardial injury in diabetic rats targeting inflammatory cytokine release and oxidative stress
G Taneja, AK Sharma, D Khanna, SK Rajput
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 24 (5), 615, 2021
Dose and time-dependent toxicological impact of pantoprazole on vascular endothelium and renal tissue
G Taneja, PV Thanikachalam, SK Rajput
Toxicology Letters 333, 97-104, 2020
Discrepancies in sugar loss reported in final molasses.
PP Chaturvedi, AK Sharma, GR Taneja
Pantoprazole Rescue The Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction In Diabetic Rats Through DDAH/ADMA/Enos/NO Pathway
G Taneja, SK Rajput
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 7 (10), 2020, 0
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