Dr. Oliver Holland
Dr. Oliver Holland
Wipro Technologies
在 ieee.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Network slicing to enable scalability and flexibility in 5G mobile networks
P Rost, C Mannweiler, DS Michalopoulos, C Sartori, V Sciancalepore, ...
IEEE Communications magazine 55 (5), 72-79, 2017
The IEEE 1918.1 “tactile internet” standards working group and its standards
O Holland, E Steinbach, RV Prasad, Q Liu, Z Dawy, A Aijaz, N Pappas, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (2), 256-279, 2019
Haptic codecs for the tactile internet
E Steinbach, M Strese, M Eid, X Liu, A Bhardwaj, Q Liu, M Al-Ja’afreh, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (2), 447-470, 2018
Architecture and enablers for optimized radio resource usage in heterogeneous wireless access networks: The IEEE 1900.4 Working Group
S Buljore, H Harada, S Filin, P Houze, K Tsagkaris, O Holland, K Nolte, ...
IEEE communications magazine 47 (1), 122-129, 2009
Interference-limited resource allocation for cognitive radio in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing networks
A Attar, O Holland, MR Nakhai, AH Aghvami
IET communications 2 (6), 806-814, 2008
Method of discovering multi-mode mobile terminals
AH Aghvami, PA Pangalos, OD Holland
US Patent 7,596,385, 2009
Multi-connectivity functional architectures in 5G
A Ravanshid, P Rost, DS Michalopoulos, VV Phan, H Bakker, D Aziz, ...
2016 IEEE international conference on communications workshops (ICC), 187-192, 2016
A comparison between the centralized and distributed approaches for spectrum management
G Salami, O Durowoju, A Attar, O Holland, R Tafazolli, H Aghvami
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 13 (2), 274-290, 2010
Scalable and reliable IoT enabled by dynamic spectrum management for M2M in LTE-A
Y Gao, Z Qin, Z Feng, Q Zhang, O Holland, M Dohler
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (6), 1135-1145, 2016
Cognitive radio for medical body area networks using ultra wideband
R Chávez-Santiago, KE Nolan, O Holland, L De Nardis, JM Ferro, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications 19 (4), 74-81, 2012
SACRP: A spectrum aggregation-based cooperative routing protocol for cognitive radio ad-hoc networks
S Ping, A Aijaz, O Holland, AH Aghvami
IEEE transactions on communications 63 (6), 2015
Traffic characteristics of aggregated module downloads for mobile terminal reconfiguration
O Holland, A Golaup, AH Aghvami
IEE Proceedings-communications 153 (5), 683-690, 2006
To white space or not to white space: That is the trial within the Ofcom TV white spaces pilot
O Holland, S Ping, A Aijaz, JM Chareau, P Chawdhry, Y Gao, Z Qin, ...
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks …, 2015
Introduction to IEEE P1900. 4 activities
S Buljore, M Muck, P Martigne, P Houzé, H Harada, K Ishizu, O Holland, ...
IEICE Transactions on Communications 91 (1), 2-9, 2008
Opportunistic spectrum sharing and white space access: The practical reality
O Holland, H Bogucka, A Medeisis
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Spectrum and license flexibility for 5G networks
A Kliks, O Holland, A Basaure, M Matinmikko
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (7), 42-49, 2015
Spectrum power measurements in 2G and 3G cellular phone bands during the 2006 Football World Cup in Germany
O Holland, P Cordier, M Muck, L Mazet, C Klock, T Renk
2007 2nd IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2007
A universal resource awareness channel for cognitive radio
O Holland, A Attar, N Olaziregi, N Sattari, AH Aghvami
2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2006
Green spectrum management for mobile operators
O Holland, V Friderikos, AH Aghvami
2010 IEEE Globecom Workshops, 1458-1463, 2010
Spectrum Sharing and Cognitive Radio: Opportunities for Efficiency Enhancement
et al. T. Harrold, O Holland
Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops, 2009. ICUMT'09. International …, 2009
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