sherron killingsworth roberts
sherron killingsworth roberts
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Let’s talk play! Exploring the possible benefits of play-based pedagogy on language and literacy learning in two Title I kindergarten classrooms
KA Allee-Herndon, SK Roberts, BY Hu, MH Clark, ML Stewart
Early Childhood Education Journal 50 (1), 119-132, 2022
Literature to help children cope with family stressors
SK Roberts, PA Crawford
Young Children 16, 12-18, 2008
A collaborative approach to helping teacher education faculty model technology integration in their courses: An informal case.
I Zachariades, SK Roberts
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 3 (4), 351-57, 1995
The power of purposeful play in primary grades: Adjusting pedagogy for children’s needs and academic gains
KA Allee-Herndon, SK Roberts
Journal of Education 201 (1), 54-63, 2021
Examining program quality disparities between urban and rural kindergartens in China: Evidence from Zhejiang
BY Hu, Y Zhou, K Li, S Killingsworth Roberts
Journal of Research in Childhood Education 28 (4), 461-483, 2014
Poverty, self-regulation and executive function, and learning in K-2 classrooms: A systematic literature review of current empirical research
KA Allee-Herndon, SK Roberts
Journal of Research in Childhood Education 33 (3), 345-362, 2019
Chinese students in US accounting and business PhD programs: Educational, political and social considerations
CH Cho, RW Roberts, SK Roberts
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 19 (2), 199-216, 2008
Addressing 21st-century crises through children’s literature: Picturebooks as partners for teacher educators
PA Crawford, SK Roberts, V Zygouris-Coe
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 40 (1), 44-56, 2019
The quality of teacher feedback matters: Examining Chinese teachers’ use of feedback strategies in preschool math lessons
BY Hu, Y Li, X Zhang, SK Roberts, G Vitiello
Teaching and Teacher Education 98, 103253, 2021
A qualitative study of the current transformation to rural village early childhood in China: Retrospect and prospect
BY Hu, SK Roberts
International Journal of Educational Development 33 (4), 316-324, 2013
Using literacy approaches to begin the conversation on racial illiteracy
A Kaczmarczyk, KA Allee‐Herndon, SK Roberts
The Reading Teacher 72 (4), 523-528, 2019
Poetry as praxis: An exploration of poetry discourse as qualitative inquiry
SK Roberts, NA Brasel, PA Crawford
Journal of Poetry Therapy 27 (4), 167-181, 2014
Challenges to early childhood education in rural China: Lessons from the Hebei province
BY Hu, SK Roberts, SS Leng Ieong, H Guo
Early child development and care 186 (5), 815-831, 2016
All together now: Authentic university-school partnerships for professional development
PA Crawford, SK Roberts, R Hickmann
Childhood Education 85 (2), 91-95, 2008
When inclusion is innovation: An examination of administrator perspectives on inclusion in China
BY Hu, SK Roberts
Journal of School Leadership 21 (4), 548-581, 2011
Teacher research as a robust and reflective path to professional development
SK Roberts, PA Crawford, R Hickmann
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 31 (3), 258-275, 2010
The initiation of early childhood inclusion in China: A case study from Beijing
B Ying Hu, SK Roberts, Y Wang, H Zhao
International Journal of Early Years Education 19 (2), 111-131, 2011
Neuroeducation and early elementary teaching: Retrospective innovation for promoting growth with students living in poverty
KA Allee-Herndon, SK Roberts
International Journal of the Whole Child 3 (2), 4-8, 2018
Nurturing Early Childhood Teachers as Leaders: Long-term Professional Development.
PA Crawford, SK Roberts, R Hickmann
Dimensions of early childhood 38 (3), 2010
Using literature study groups in teacher education courses: Learning through diversity
SK Roberts, SJ Jensen, E Hadjiyianni
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 41 (2), 124-133, 1997
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