Christian B. Hübschle
Christian B. Hübschle
Bruker AXS GmbH
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ShelXle: a Qt graphical user interface for SHELXL
CB Hübschle, GM Sheldrick, B Dittrich
Applied Crystallography 44 (6), 1281-1284, 2011
MolIso–a program for colour-mapped iso-surfaces
CB Hübschle, P Luger
Applied Crystallography 39 (6), 901-904, 2006
MoleCoolQt–a molecule viewer for charge-density research
CB Hübschle, B Dittrich
Applied Crystallography 44 (1), 238-240, 2011
The generalized invariom database (GID)
B Dittrich, CB Huebschle, K Proepper, F Dietrich, T Stolper, J Holstein
Structural Science 69 (2), 91-104, 2013
The invariom model and its application: refinement of D, L-serine at different temperatures and resolution
B Dittrich, CB Hübschle, M Messerschmidt, R Kalinowski, D Girnt, P Luger
Foundations of Crystallography 61 (3), 314-320, 2005
Introduction and validation of an invariom database for amino-acid, peptide and protein molecules
B Dittrich, CB Hübschle, P Luger, MA Spackman
Biological Crystallography 62 (11), 1325-1335, 2006
Automation of invariom and of experimental charge density modelling of organic molecules with the preprocessor program InvariomTool
CB Hübschle, P Luger, B Dittrich
Applied Crystallography 40 (3), 623-627, 2007
Aspherical scattering factors for SHELXL–model, implementation and application
J Lübben, CM Wandtke, CB Hübschle, M Ruf, GM Sheldrick, B Dittrich
Foundations of Crystallography 75 (1), 50-62, 2019
Verification of structural and electrostatic properties obtained by the use of different pseudoatom databases
JM Bąk, S Domagała, C Hübschle, C Jelsch, B Dittrich, PM Dominiak
Foundations of Crystallography 67 (2), 141-153, 2011
Anharmonic motion in experimental charge density investigations
R Herbst-Irmer, J Henn, JJ Holstein, CB Hübschle, B Dittrich, D Stern, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (3), 633-641, 2013
Towards extracting the charge density from normal-resolution data
B Dittrich, CB Huebschle, JJ Holstein, FPA Fabbiani
Applied Crystallography 42 (6), 1110-1121, 2009
Electrostatic properties of nine fluoroquinolone antibiotics derived directly from their crystal structure refinements
JJ Holstein, CB Hübschle, B Dittrich
CrystEngComm 14 (7), 2520-2531, 2012
How to easily replace the independent atom model–the example of bergenin, a potential anti-HIV agent of traditional Asian medicine
B Dittrich, M Weber, R Kalinowski, S Grabowsky, CB Hübschle, P Luger
Structural Science 65 (6), 749-756, 2009
Reproducibility and transferability of topological data: Experimental charge density study of two modifications of L-alanyl-L-tyrosyl-L-alanine
L Chęcińska, S Mebs, CB Hübschle, D Förster, W Morgenroth, P Luger
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 4 (17), 3242-3251, 2006
Crystal-field effects in L-homoserine: Multipoles versus quantum chemistry
B Dittrich, E Sze, JJ Holstein, CB Huebschle, D Jayatilaka
Foundations of Crystallography 68 (4), 435-442, 2012
On QM/MM and MO/MO cluster calculations of all-atom anisotropic displacement parameters for molecules in crystal structures
B Dittrich, S Pfitzenreuter, CB Huebschle
Foundations of Crystallography 68 (1), 110-116, 2012
Experimental charge density of L-alanyl-L-prolyl-L-alanine hydrate: Classical multipole and invariom approach, analysis of intra-and intermolecular topological properties
R Kalinowski, B Dittrich, CB Hübschle, C Paulmann, P Luger
Structural Science 63 (5), 753-767, 2007
Crystal structure of DL‐Tryptophan at 173K
CB Hübschle, M Messerschmidt, P Luger
Crystal Research and Technology: Journal of Experimental and Industrial …, 2004
Mapping the Trajectory of Nucleophilic Substitution at Silicon Using a peri‐Substituted Acenaphthyl Scaffold
E Hupf, M Olaru, CI Raţ, M Fugel, CB Hübschle, E Lork, S Grabowsky, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 23 (44), 10568-10579, 2017
Comparative experimental electron density and electron localization function study of thymidine based on 20 K X-ray diffraction data
CB Hübschle, B Dittrich, S Grabowsky, M Messerschmidt, P Luger
Structural Science 64 (3), 363-374, 2008
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