Lucas Pascotti Valem
Lucas Pascotti Valem
Assistant Professor, University of São Paulo - SCC / ICMC / USP
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Gait recognition based on deep learning: a survey
C Filipi Gonçalves dos Santos, DDS Oliveira, L A. Passos, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 55 (2), 1-34, 2022
Multimedia retrieval through unsupervised hypergraph-based manifold ranking
DCG Pedronette, LP Valem, J Almeida, RS Torres
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28 (12), 5824-5838, 2019
Unsupervised selective rank fusion for image retrieval tasks
LP Valem, DCG Pedronette
Neurocomputing 377, 182-199, 2020
An unsupervised distance learning framework for multimedia retrieval
LP Valem, DCG Pedronette
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on International Conference on Multimedia …, 2017
A bfs-tree of ranking references for unsupervised manifold learning
DCG Pedronette, LP Valem, RS Torres
Pattern Recognition 111, 107666, 2021
Unsupervised similarity learning through cartesian product of ranking references
LP Valem, DCG Pedronette, J Almeida
Pattern Recognition Letters 114, 41-52, 2018
Effective, efficient, and scalable unsupervised distance learning in image retrieval tasks
LP Valem, DCG Pedronette, RS Torres, E Borin, J Almeida
Proceedings of the 5th ACM on International Conference on Multimedia …, 2015
Graph-based selective rank fusion for unsupervised image retrieval
LP Valem, DCG Pedronette
Pattern Recognition Letters 135, 82-89, 2020
Feature augmentation based on manifold ranking and LSTM for image classification
VH Pereira-Ferrero, LP Valem, DCG Pedronette
Expert Systems with Applications 213, 118995, 2023
Graph convolutional networks based on manifold learning for semi-supervised image classification
LP Valem, DCG Pedronette, LJ Latecki
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 227, 103618, 2023
Efficient rank-based diffusion process with assured convergence
DC Guimaraes Pedronette, L Pascotti Valem, LJ Latecki
Journal of Imaging 7 (3), 49, 2021
Unsupervised similarity learning through rank correlation and knn sets
LP Valem, CRD Oliveira, DCG Pedronette, J Almeida
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2018
Rank flow embedding for unsupervised and semi-supervised manifold learning
LP Valem, DCG Pedronette, LJ Latecki
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 32, 2811-2826, 2023
An unsupervised genetic algorithm framework for rank selection and fusion on image retrieval
LP Valem, DCG Pedronette
Proceedings of the 2019 on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval …, 2019
Unsupervised similarity learning through cartesian product of ranking references for image retrieval tasks
LP Valem, DCG Pedronette
2016 29th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI …, 2016
A denoising convolutional neural network for self-supervised rank effectiveness estimation on image retrieval
LP Valem, DCG Pedronette
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval …, 2021
A rank aggregation framework for video interestingness prediction
J Almeida, LP Valem, DCG Pedronette
International conference on image analysis and processing, 3-14, 2017
Manifold information through neighbor embedding projection for image retrieval
GR Leticio, VS Kawai, LP Valem, DCG Pedronette, RS Torres
Pattern Recognition Letters 183, 17-25, 2024
Weakly supervised learning through rank-based contextual measures
JGC Presotto, LP Valem, NG de Sá, DCG Pedronette, JP Papa
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 5752-5759, 2021
Weakly supervised learning based on hypergraph manifold ranking
JGC Presotto, SF dos Santos, LP Valem, FA Faria, JP Papa, J Almeida, ...
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 89, 103666, 2022
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