Giuseppe Franze'
An ellipsoidal off-line MPC scheme for uncertain polytopic discrete-time systems
D Angeli, A Casavola, G Franzè, E Mosca
Automatica 44 (12), 3113-3119, 2008
A robust deconvolution scheme for fault detection and isolation of uncertain linear systems: an LMI approach
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franzè
Automatica 41 (8), 1463-1472, 2005
A feedback min-max MPC algorithm for LPV systems subject to bounded rates of change of parameters
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franze
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 47 (7), 1147-1153, 2002
Robust constrained predictive control of uncertain norm-bounded linear systems
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franzé
Automatica 40 (11), 1865-1876, 2004
Robust fault detection of uncertain linear systems via quasi-LMIs
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franzè
Automatica 44 (1), 289-295, 2008
Resilient control for cyber-physical systems subject to replay attacks
G Franze, F Tedesco, W Lucia
IEEE Control Systems Letters 3 (4), 984-989, 2019
Model predictive control for constrained networked systems subject to data losses
G Franzè, F Tedesco, D Famularo
Automatica 54, 272-278, 2015
Predictive control of constrained nonlinear systems via LPV linear embeddings
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franzè
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2003
Resilience against replay attacks: A distributed model predictive control scheme for networked multi-agent systems
G Franzè, F Tedesco, D Famularo
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 8 (3), 628-640, 2020
Supervision of networked dynamical systems under coordination constraints
A Casavola, M Papini, G Franzè
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 51 (3), 421-437, 2006
Voltage regulation in distribution networks in the presence of distributed generation: A voltage set-point reconfiguration approach
A Casavola, G Franzè, D Menniti, N Sorrentino
Electric power systems research 81 (1), 25-34, 2011
A fault-detection, filter-design method for linear parameter-varying systems
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franze, M Sorbara
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2007
Fault-tolerance as a key requirement for the control of modern systems
RJ Patton, C Kambhampati, A Casavola, G Franze
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (13), 13-22, 2006
Resilient model predictive control for constrained cyber-physical systems subject to severe attacks on the communication channels
G Franzè, W Lucia, F Tedesco
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (4), 1822-1836, 2022
A receding horizon control strategy for autonomous vehicles in dynamic environments
G Franze, W Lucia
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24 (2), 695-702, 2016
The obstacle avoidance motion planning problem for autonomous vehicles: A low-demanding receding horizon control scheme
G Franzè, W Lucia
Systems & Control Letters 77, 1-10, 2015
A fast ellipsoidal MPC scheme for discrete-time polytopic linear parameter varying systems
A Casavola, D Famularo, G Franzè, E Garone
Automatica 48 (10), 2620-2626, 2012
Output feedback model predictive control of uncertain norm‐bounded linear systems
D Famularo, G Franze
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 21 (8), 838-862, 2011
A distributed model predictive control scheme for leader–follower multi-agent systems
G Franzè, W Lucia, F Tedesco
International Journal of Control 91 (2), 369-382, 2018
A set-theoretic approach for secure and resilient control of cyber-physical systems subject to false data injection attacks
W Lucia, B Sinopoli, G Franze
2016 Science of Security for Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop (SOSCYPS), 1-5, 2016
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