Vivek Tiwari
Vivek Tiwari
Associate Professor, SSCU, Indian Institute of Science
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Electronic resonance with anticorrelated pigment vibrations drives photosynthetic energy transfer outside the adiabatic framework
V Tiwari, WK Peters, DM Jonas
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (4), 1203-1208, 2013
Spatially-resolved fluorescence-detected two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy probes varying excitonic structure in photosynthetic bacteria
V Tiwari, YA Matutes, AT Gardiner, TLC Jansen, RJ Cogdell, JP Ogilvie
Nature Communications 9 (1), 4219, 2018
Electronic energy transfer through non-adiabatic vibrational-electronic resonance. I. Theory for a dimer
V Tiwari, WK Peters, DM Jonas
Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (15), 154308-154324, 2017
Energy transfer in ternary blend organic solar cells: recent insights and future directions
AA Mohapatra, V Tiwari, S Patil
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (1), 302-319, 2021
Two-dimensional Fourier transform electronic spectroscopy at a conical intersection
KA Kitney-Hayes, AA Ferro, V Tiwari, DM Jonas
The Journal of chemical physics 140 (12), 2014
Strongly coupled bacteriochlorin dyad studied using phase-modulated fluorescence-detected two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy
V Tiwari, YA Matutes, A Konar, Z Yu, M Ptaszek, DF Bocian, D Holten, ...
Optics express 26 (17), 22327-22341, 2018
Simulating Fluorescence-Detected Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy of Multichromophoric Systems
T Kunsel, V Tiwari, YA Matutes, AT Gardiner, RJ Cogdell, JP Ogilvie, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123 (2), 394-406, 2018
Vibronic coherence unveiled
V Tiwari, WK Peters, DM Jonas
Nature chemistry 6 (3), 173-175, 2014
Electronic energy transfer through non-adiabatic vibrational-electronic resonance. II. 1D spectra for a dimer
V Tiwari, DM Jonas
The Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (8), 2018
Multidimensional electronic spectroscopy in high-definition—Combining spectral, temporal, and spatial resolutions
V Tiwari
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (23), 2021
Nodeless vibrational amplitudes and quantum nonadiabatic dynamics in the nested funnel for a pseudo Jahn-Teller molecule or homodimer
WK Peters, V Tiwari, DM Jonas
The Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (19), 194306-194328, 2017
Absolute Measurement of Femtosecond Pump–Probe Signal Strength
B Cho, V Tiwari, RJ Hill, WK Peters, TL Courtney, AP Spencer, DM Jonas
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (29), 6332-6345, 2013
Simultaneous all-optical determination of molecular concentration and extinction coefficient
B Cho, V Tiwari, DM Jonas
Analytical chemistry 85 (11), 5514-5521, 2013
High-sensitivity fluorescence-detected multidimensional electronic spectroscopy through continuous pump–probe delay scan
A Sahu, VN Bhat, S Patra, V Tiwari
The Journal of Chemical Physics 158 (2), 2023
Vibronic resonance is inadequately described by one-particle basis sets
A Sahu, JS Kurian, V Tiwari
The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (22), 2020
Effective normal modes identify vibrational motions which maximally promote vibronic mixing in excitonically coupled aggregates
S Patra, A Sahu, V Tiwari
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (11), 2021
Vibrations that do not promote vibronic coupling can dominate observed lineshapes in two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy
A Sahu, V Tiwari
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (19), 4617-4624, 2023
Rapid scan white light two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy with 100 kHz shot-to-shot detection
AS Thomas, VN Bhat, V Tiwari
The Journal of Chemical Physics 159 (24), 2023
Vibronic resonance along effective modes mediates selective energy transfer in excitonically coupled aggregates
S Patra, V Tiwari
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (18), 2022
Absolute femtosecond measurements of Auger recombination dynamics in lead sulfide quantum dots
B Cho, WK Peters, V Tiwari, AP Spencer, D Baranov, RJ Hill, DM Jonas
Europhys. Lett 60, 924-930, 2013
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